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【罗2:1-2】1你这论断人的,无论你是谁,也无可推诿。你在什么事上论断人,就在什么事上定自己的罪,因你这论断人的,自己所行却和别人一样。2我们知道这样行的人,神必照真理审判他。【Rom 2:1-2】You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself. Now we know that God's judgment against those who do such things is based on truth.

发表于 2025-01-12

无论是谁,无论在什么事上论断人,就在什么事上定自己的罪。因为论断人的,自己所行和别人一样,同样落在审判之下。Whoever judges others, no matter what, condemns themselves in the same way. Those who judge others commit the same actions and will also fall under judgement. 从亚当开始,人类吃了分辨善恶树的果子,如神一样判断。Since Adam, humanity has eaten the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and judged as if they were God. 我们照着自己的标准去评判人,定人的罪,人也必用这样的量器量我们。神必照真理审判我们。We judge and condemn others according to our own standards, and people will use the same measure to judge us. God, however, will judge us according to the truth.


主耶稣来到地上,行审判不凭眼见,断是非不凭耳闻。When the Lord Jesus came to earth, He did not judge by what He saw, nor did He determine right and wrong by what He heard. 主啊,求你赦免我,凭着眼见耳闻的一点资料,就心里猜测,判断善恶,定人的罪…Lord, please forgive me. I have judged good and evil in my heart and condemned others based on the little information I saw and heard 是何等的狂妄、无知、自大,因为我不晓得别人的经历,不知道完整的过程,更不晓得人心的意念,却自己做神,自以为义…使自己落在审判之下,神实在是公义的。How arrogant, ignorant, and conceited I was! I did not know other people's experiences, nor did I understand the full context or the thoughts in their hearts, yet I acted as though I were God and thought I was righteous. Because of this, I fell under judgement. God is truly righteous.


真理的法则何等真实!How real is the law of truth! 当我真心求主光照时,我论断别人,我自己所行的和别人是一样的!When I sincerely asked the Lord to enlighten me, I realised that in judging others, I was doing the same as them. 我没有比别人的好!别人与我有何相干,我只要来跟从主!I am no better than anyone else! What does it have to do with me? I simply want to follow the Lord! 所以,时候未到,什么都不要论断,只等主来,他要照出暗中的隐情,显明人心的意念。那时,各人要从神那里得着称赞(林前4:5)。Therefore, do not judge anything before its appointed time. Wait for the Lord to come; He will bring to light the hidden things in darkness and reveal the thoughts of people's hearts. Then everyone will receive praise from God (1 Corinthians 4:5).


圣灵,求你将这真理牢牢刻在我的心中,正当我又要判断善恶时,使我停住心中的声音,回到自己的本位,宣告真理,用真理审判自己的罪,Holy Spirit, please engrave this truth firmly in my heart. When I feel the urge to judge good and evil again, please silence that voice within me, bring me back to my original position, declare the truth, and confront my sins with the truth. 治死自己里面的骄傲、自义…Put to death the pride and self-righteousness within me. 耶稣恨恶罪,却怜悯罪人,为罪人舍命,求主的爱充满我,使我操练饶恕、接纳,用怜悯代求代祷,向审判夸胜。Jesus hates sin but has mercy on sinners and died for them. Please fill me with the love of the Lord so that I may practice forgiveness and acceptance, intercede with mercy, and let mercy triumph over judgement.  (付Fu)


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