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【罗1:17】因为神的义正在这福音上显明出来;这义是本于信,以至于信。如经上所记:“义人必因信得生。”【Romans1:17】For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”

发表于 2025-01-10

保罗强调他不以福音为耻,这福音本是神的大能,要救一切相信的人。Paul emphasized that he was not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes. 福音的根本就在于信,保罗说义是神的赐予,从信到信的过程。The Gospel is all about faith, and Paul says that righteousness is the gift of God, the process from faith to faith. 始于信,止于信,神借着福音所显明出来的义,从信心开始,也以信心接受基督十架完成的救恩,中间也是以信心走属灵的路。Beginning with faith and ending with faith, the righteousness of God revealed through the gospel begins with faith, and it is also by faith that we receive the completed salvation of Christ's cross, and in the middle of it, we walk the spiritual path by faith. 最后也信。It ends with faith. 这条路始终在一个信心里面,如经上所记:“义人必因信得生。”It is a path of faith, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”

我们众人都犯了罪,亏缺了神的荣耀,死是罪人的结局。All of us have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and death is the end of sinners. 但因着耶稣基督为我们的罪流血舍命,我们因信就得着耶稣在十字架上所成就的救恩,神的爱和恩典就这样向我们显明。But because Jesus Christ shed his blood for our sins, we receive by faith the salvation that Jesus accomplished on the cross, and God's love and grace are revealed to us in this way. 但我们需要持续信下去,定义离弃因私欲和迷惑渐渐变坏的旧人的道路,因信转向耶稣的生命之道,显明我们在基督里是新造的人。But we need to keep on believing, defining our turning away from the ways of the old man, which are becoming corrupt through lust and confusion, and turning by faith to the way of life in Jesus, revealing that we are new creatures in Christ.

这义是本于信,以至于信。阿们!This righteousness is by faith from first to last. Amen!我们信了耶稣以后,祂带领我们走一条自己没有走过的路,神让我们服侍的目的是为改变我们做事的动机。After we believe in Jesus, He leads us down a path that we have not traveled ourselves, and God's purpose for us to serve is to change our motives for doing things. 神不是叫我们去做事,把事情做好。God is not telling us to do things and get things done. 神借着服侍,要让我们被磨搓,认识自己里面的罪,悔改,被圣灵所塑造,直到祂的品质在我们里面生出来,有祂的温柔 谦卑 忍耐 饶恕 怜悯 爱,义人必因信得生。Through serving, God wants us to be rubbed, to recognize the sin in us, to repent, and to be molded by the Holy Spirit until His qualities are born in us, and with His gentleness, humility, patience, forgiveness, compassion, and love, the righteous will be born by faith.

主啊,求圣灵将神的话深深的刻在我们的心版上。Lord, please engrave the word of God deeply on the plate of our heart. 离开了信心,就是离开了你的面,生活必是一团糟,除了失败就是失败。To leave faith is to leave your face, and life will be a mess, and nothing but failure. 但当我们吃苦记苦,悔改转向神的信,不再走信自己的路。But when we suffer and remember our sufferings, repent and turn to God's faith, we will no longer walk in the way of ourselves. 否定己,单单信神的话,信神的美意,信神的公义慈爱,把生命的主权交托在神手中。Let us deny ourselves, believe in God's word alone, believe in God's goodness, believe in God's righteousness and love, and entrust the sovereignty of our lives into God's hands. 每天单单以敬畏神为乐,在生命的每一个考试中建立得胜的信心荣耀主名。Every day, we take pleasure in the fear of God alone, and build up a victorious faith in every test of our lives to glorify the name of the Lord.(郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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