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【罗1:16】我不以福音为耻;这福音本是神的大能,要救一切相信的,先是犹太人,后是希腊人。【Rom1:16】For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.

发表于 2025-01-09

扫罗曾为律法热心,却不认识神。直到遇见耶稣,曾经逼迫基督徒的扫罗,成为耶稣的跟随者,一生忠心传扬福音,见证耶稣的复活。Saul was zealous for the law, but he did not know God. Until he met Jesus, Saul, who had persecuted Christians, became a follower of Jesus. He faithfully preached the gospel and bore witness to Jesusresurrection throughout his life.即使被鞭打,被羞辱,受尽苦楚,成为带锁链的使者,他也不以性命为念,不以福音为耻,只要成就从主耶稣所领受的职事,证明神恩惠的福音。Even though he was whipped, humiliated, and suffered as a messenger in chains, he did not value his own life or feel ashamed of the gospel. His sole desire was to complete the ministry he received from the Lord Jesus and testify to the gospel of Gods grace.


保罗真知道这福音:神的儿子耶稣舍命救赎的爱是何等的宝贵!耶稣从死里复活,赐下生命,是何等的真实!Paul truly understood this gospel: How precious is the love of God's Son, Jesus, who sacrificed His life to redeem us! How real is Jesus resurrection from the dead and the gift of eternal life!保罗丢弃万事看为粪土,单以得着耶稣为至宝,只为经历与基督一同受苦,一同受死,一同复活的大能!Paul discarded everything, regarding it as rubbish, and considered knowing Jesus as the greatest treasure. His aim was to experience the power of suffering, dying, and rising again with Christ!保罗经历了这福音的大能,一生为主而活。他说,不传福音就有祸了。Paul lived the power of this gospel and dedicated his entire life to the Lord. He said, Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel.


神活着,我又怎能不去传扬这福音呢?传福音被人拒绝、被人羞辱时,我是否以福音为耻呢?God is alive, so how can I not proclaim this gospel? When I am rejected and humiliated for sharing the gospel, do I feel ashamed?福音是神的大能,人是否相信,在乎神的时间和拣选。The gospel is the power of God. Whether people believe it or not depends on God's timing and choice.我的职责不仅是用口传扬,述说神的作为,更是要活出福音的真谛:效法耶稣的饶恕,舍己,爱人…倾倒生命,见证耶稣的复活。My role is not only to proclaim it with my words and testify to Gods deeds but also to live out the true meaning of the gospel: imitating Jesus forgiveness, self-sacrifice, and love for others... pouring out my life and bearing witness to Jesus' resurrection.


这福音的大能,借着人的信,不仅要救外邦人,也要救神的子民!The power of this gospel, through people's faith, will not only save the Gentiles but also Gods chosen people!这信,不仅是接受耶稣时,那一刻的相信,还要一直的信,持续地信而转向耶稣的救恩。This faith is not just the belief at the moment of accepting Jesus but also the enduring faith that continually looks to Jesus for salvation.主,我宣告我相信!奉主的名弃绝一切的不信、怀疑和一切属世界的谎言的价值观,使我因信活出神的荣耀,见证福音的大能! Lord, I declare that I believe! In the name of the Lord, I renounce all unbelief, doubt, and the false values of the world, so that I may live out Your glory by faith and witness the power of the gospel! (付传道Pastor Fu)


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