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【约叁11】亲爱的兄弟啊,不要效法恶,只要效法善。行善的属乎神,行恶的未曾见过神。【3Jo 11】Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. Anyone who does what is good is from God. Anyone who does what is evil has not seen God.

发表于 2025-01-09

约翰给该犹写信特别提到两个人,行恶的丢特,行善的低米丢。丢特行恶,与神为敌,突显自己,用恶言妄论属神的人,他不但不愿接待神的使者,还禁止别人接待,并把愿意热心接待的人赶出教会,John wrote to Gaius specifically mentioning two men: Diotrephes, who did evil, and Demetrius, who did good. Diotrephes acted wickedly and was an enemy of God. He exalted himself and spoke evil words against God's people. Not only was he unwilling to receive God's messengers, but he also forbade others from receiving them and expelled those who were willing to welcome them.约翰说他是行恶未曾见过神,作为我们的鉴戒;相反,而底米丢是行善的人,他的善行必定是使许多人受益,以至于多人和真理为他的善行作见证。John said that he did evil and had never seen God, as a warning to us. On the contrary, Demetrius was a person who did good, and his good deeds must have benefited many, so that both many people and the truth testified to his good deeds.


约翰透过这个对比来对我们说出一个真理,就是我们信徒要效法善,而不要效法恶,因为行善的是属乎神的。惟有神自己是善的,Through this comparison, John reveals a truth: we believers should imitate good rather than evil, because those who do good belong to God. Only God Himself is good.祂给我们机会事奉祂,我们当凡事以神的心为心,行祂眼中看为正的事。因我们原是祂的工作,在基督耶稣里造成的,为要叫我们行善,就是神预备叫我们行的。 He gives us the opportunity to serve Him. We should consider Gods heart in everything we do and seek to do what is right in His eyes. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared beforehand for us to walk in.


是的,知道行善却不去行,就是我们的罪了。很多时候我们看重事情的对错与否,值得或不值得。但神的心意是借着万事让我们活出行善的生命和爱人的生命,Yes, it is our sin if we know to do good but do not do it. Many timeswe focus on whether things are right or wrong, worthy or unworthy. But Gods intention is for us to live a life of doing good and loving others through all things,因神最大的命就是尽心、尽性、尽力、尽意爱主我的神,其次就是爱人如己。我们无论做什么,都要靠着真理行出神的善行来,行善的才是出于神。because Gods greatest commandment is to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind, and the second is to love our neighbour as ourselves. No matter what we do, we must rely on the truth to perform God's good deeds. Good deeds come from God.


主啊,你为爱我们,头戴荆棘冠冕,长钉刺透你的手和脚,你为拯救我们,受尽鞭伤苦痛,流尽你最后一滴血,所有的痛你默默承受,为我们的罪,你献上永远的祭。何等不配,怎样报答这份厚恩呢?Lord, because You love us, You wore a crown of thorns on Your head, and spikes pierced Your hands and feet. In order to save us, You were whipped and in pain, shedding the last drop of Your blood. You endured all the suffering silently for us. For our sins, Youoffered an eternal sacrifice. How undeserving we are—how can I repay such kindness?惟有将生命献给你,效法神的善,凡事凭爱心行事,以敬畏神的心为乐,行审判不凭眼见,断事非不凭耳闻,恨恶罪,远离恶事。趁着还有今日,建立跟神亲密的关系,在所处之地竭力活出神的美善,成为主的见证。The only way is to dedicate my life to You, imitate the goodness of God, do everything in love, rejoice in the fear of God, judge not by sight, but by hearing, hate sin, and shun evil. While there is still today, establish an intimate relationship with God, strive to live out the goodness of God wherever you are, and become a witness for the Lord.(姊妹 Sister Guo)


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