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【约叁1:2】亲爱的兄弟啊, 我愿你凡事兴盛,身体健壮,正如你的灵魂兴盛一样。【3Jo 1:2】Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.

发表于 2025-01-07

约翰深情地称该犹为亲爱的弟兄,是他诚心所爱的。因该犹相信耶稣基督,祂为生命之主,而且忠于神对他的呼召。John affectionately called Gaius his dear brother, whom he loved with all his heart because Gaius believed in Jesus Christ as the Lord of his life and was faithful to Gods call.他是教会的领袖,他为基督而活,尽忠职守,为神为教会守好自己的领土,心存真理,并行出真理,成为众人的榜样。约翰为此很受安慰,也很喜乐。He is the leader of the church. He lives for Christ, fulfils his duties faithfully, protects his territory for God and the church, holds the truth in his heart, and practises the truth, becoming an example for others. John was comforted and happy about this.


约翰为该犹祝福,愿他凡事兴盛,身体健壮,正如他的灵魂兴盛一样。约翰很夸赞该犹灵魂兴盛,“灵魂兴盛”是指他内在生命丰盛,单以属天的事为念,John blessed this Jew, that he might prosper in all things and be in good health, just as his soul prospered. John praised Gaius for his prosperous soul. The “prosperity of his soul” refers to the fact that his inner life was rich, and he only thought about heavenly things.无论他做什么,都是以神为中心,凡事尊主为大,跟神有好关系,并为荣耀祂而行。惟有灵魂兴盛才能使身体健壮,因我们的身体是圣灵的殿,竭力保守圣洁,喜乐的心才能在基督里凡事兴盛。No matter what he did, he always put God at the centre, magnified the Lord in everything, maintained good relationships with God, and walked for His glory. Only a prosperous soul can make the body strong, because our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Only by striving to keep it holy can a joyful heart prosper in all things in Christ.


主啊,这份美好的祝福我们都想得到,但懒惰人羡慕无所得。真理教导我们,一个人不能侍奉两个主,爱世界爱父的心就不在我们里面了。Lord, we all desire this wonderful blessing, but lazy people cannot obtain it through envy. The truth teaches us that no one can serve two masters, for the love of the world and the love of the Father cannot coexist in us.约翰所指的凡事兴盛,是指属灵之事,我们是属于神的,求在主的旨意里就无不得着。我们蒙召是有神同样的使命和呼召,即便神把我们留在世界上,借着万事训练我们有强健的身体,也都是为永恒做预备。The prospering in all things that John refers to concerns spiritual matters. We belong to God, and if we ask according to the Lords will, we will receive everything. We are called to share in the same mission and calling of God. Even if God leaves us in this world and trains us to develop strong bodies through all things, it is to prepare us for eternity.


保罗说:“操练身体,益处还少;惟独敬,凡事都有益处”。身体的锻炼固然有益,灵性的锻炼对我们更有益处。我们真知道我们在地上是客旅,是寄居的,外体虽然毁坏,内心却一天新似一天Paul said, “Physical training benefits you a little, but godliness benefits you in everything.” Physical exercise is beneficial, but spiritual exercise is even more valuable to us. We truly know that we are strangers and sojourners on earth, and that although our outer body is being destroyed, our inner being is being renewed day by day.效仿该犹每天照着神的真理行,做世上的光和盐,成为义的器具,灵魂兴盛,身体健壮,在追求永生之道上凡事兴盛,进入那应许之地。Imitate Gaius and walk according to God's truth every day, be the light and salt of the world, become an instrument of righteousness, have a prosperous soul, a strong body, prosper in all things in the pursuit of eternal life, and enter the promised land. (姊妹 Sister Guo)


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