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【约贰1: 4】我见你的儿女,有照我们从父所受之命令遵行真理的,就甚欢喜。【2 John1:4】It has given me great joy to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as the Father commanded us.

发表于 2025-01-04

使徒约翰说,当他看见教会的信徒,照着父的命令遵行真理时,就甚欢喜。The Apostle John said that it had given him great joy to find some of His children walking in the truth, just as the Father commanded them. 一个牧人的心肠,最大的安慰和喜乐是看到神的儿女照真理行。The greatest comfort and joy of a shepherd’s heart is to see the children of God walking according to the truth. 人凭着自己行律法,不能遵行真理。Man, by his own strength, cannot fulfill the law, nor can he walk in truth. 若有人爱神,神是知道的。Whoever loves God is known by God. 惟有在环境中单单爱神,不爱自己,丧掉自己,顺服真理,才能遵行天父的命令。Only by loving God wholly, denying oneself, losing one’s own life, and submitting to the truth, can one obey the commandments of the Father in heaven.

保罗也说:The Apostle Paul also admonished, saying: 你们要依从那些引导你们的,且要顺服,因他们为你们的灵魂时刻警醒,好像那将来交账的人。你们要使他们交的时候有快乐,不至忧愁;若忧愁就与你们无益了(来13:17)。Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account. Do this so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no benefit to you. (Hebrews13:17 NIV)主啊,求你赦免我,因着爱自己,护着自己,顺从自己的意思,叫我的牧人忧愁,也叫你的圣灵担忧了…Lord, forgive me, for I have loved myself, protected myself, and followed my own desires, thus bringing grief to my shepherd and sorrow to Your Holy Spirit.

罪的工价就是死。顺从心中的苦毒、委屈、嫉妒、争竞、贪财…使我与你隔绝,成为罪的奴仆,落在咒诅之下,没有福乐来到。The wages of sin is death. When I yield to bitterness, self-pity, jealousy, strife, and greed, I am separated from You and become a servant of sin, dwelling under the curse with no blessing to be found. 主,你舍命救赎我,我却一次次离弃了你。O Lord, You have laid down Your life to redeem me, yet I have turned away from You time and again. 耶稣你哭了,为我的刚硬、背逆、不信而忧伤…Lord Jesus, You have wept for me—for my hardness of heart, rebellion, and unbelief. 主啊,我伤透了你的心,求你赦免我,我要悔改归向你…O Lord, I have grieved Your heart deeply. Forgive me, I pray, for I desire to repent and return unto You.

主啊,爱自己是在爱罪,爱自己是在爱咒诅,我不要再爱自己,我愿意来爱你,是你先爱了我。O Lord, to love myself is to love sin; to love myself is to embrace the curse. I would no longer love myself but desire instead to love You, for You have first loved me. 我的生命是你的赐予,我一生只愿为你而活…圣灵帮助我,脱离活在人前,My life is Your gift, and I long to live it solely for You. Holy Spirit, help me to be delivered from seeking the praise of men. 使我因爱你,顺服真理,不再改变别人,只求丧掉自己,得着基督,Cause me to love You and submit to Your truth. Let me no longer seek to change others but to deny myself, that I may gain Christ. 遵行爱神爱人的命令,使牧人喜乐,使天父喜乐。Grant that I may obey the commandment to love God and love my neighbor, bringing joy to my shepherd and to the Father in heaven. (付传道Pastor Fu)


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