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【约一5:14】我们若照他的旨意求什么,他就听我们,这是我们向他所存坦然无惧的心。【1 John5:14】This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.

发表于 2025-01-02

怎样的祷告才能蒙垂听?真理告诉我们:照祂的旨意求,祂就听我们!阿们!哈利路亚!神活着,祂是照祂的话语行事。What kind of prayers can be heard? The truth tells us: If we pray according to His will, He will hear us! Amen! Hallelujah! God is alive, and He acts according to His word.任何景况,求在祂的旨意里,祂听我们一切所求的,并且所求于祂的,无不得着。照祂的旨意求,我们也要看见祂奇妙的作为。这是我们向他所存坦然无惧的心。In any situation, we should pray according to His will. He will hear all our requests, and we will receive whatever we ask of Him. If we pray according to His will, we will also see His marvellous works. This is the confidence we have in Him.


无罪的耶稣来到地上时,时时住在父里面,不凭自己说话行事,他不求自己的意思,只求差他来者的意思。When the sinless Jesus came to earth, He always lived in the Father and did not speak or act according to His own will. He did not seek His own will but only the will of the One who sent Him.面对十字架,耶稣所祷告的,仍然是:不要照我的意思,只要照父的旨意。主啊,你给我们做出了榜样。求你赦免我,多少时候,照着自己的意思求,让神听我的,神不回应,还埋怨神…Facing the cross, Jesus still prayed: Not my will, but the will of the Father. Lord, You set an example for us. Please forgive me. Many times, I have prayed according to my own will, asking You to listen to me, but when You did not respond, I still complained to You...


照着自己的私欲求也得不着。主啊,我需要调转方向,照你的旨意求。借着圣经,你把你的心意向我们陈明,你的旨意是叫我们成为圣洁,远避淫行;操练常常喜乐,不住祷告,凡事谢恩;行出神的良善和爱…I cannot obtain what I ask for when it is driven by my own selfish desires. Lord, I need to change direction and align my prayers with Your will. Through the Bible, You have revealed Your will to us: to make us holy, to avoid sexual immorality, to practice constant joy, continual prayer, and thankfulness in all things, and to live out Your goodness and love.在具体的事情上,不依靠自己的聪明,信靠你,认定你,寻求你的国和你的义…In specific matters, we should not rely on our own understanding but trust in You, acknowledge You, and seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness...


主,你的旨意何等良善,求你帮助我,读你的话,将真理存在心里,脱离做事的律,离弃拜偶像的心,Lord, your will is so good. Please help me to read your words, keep the truth in my heart, break away from the law of doing things, and abandon the heart of idolatry.使我在各种环境里,回到内心,将自己的意思,自己的对错好坏判断,与主同钉十字架,使我与你同心,为爱的生命、教会的合一、复兴祷告祈求,直到神的旨意行在地上如同行在天上。May I return to my heart in all kinds of circumstances and crucify my own will and my own judgement of right and wrong, good and bad, with you. May I be of one mind with you and pray for a life of love, the unity of the church, and revival, until God’s will is done on earth as it is in heaven.(付传道Pastor Fu)


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