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【约一5:3】我们遵守神的诫命,这就是爱他了,并且他的诫命不是难守的。【1Jo 5: 3】This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome,

发表于 2024-12-31

我们常说:主啊,我爱你!怎样才是爱神?不是凭自己说的。真理的标准是:遵守神的命,就是爱他了。于是,看到神的命令,要奉献,于是把钱财献上;We often say: Lord, I love You! But what does it mean to love the God of Love? Its not something I define on my own. The standard of truth is this: to obey Gods commandments is to love Him. So, when I saw Gods command, I wanted to give, so I donated my money;要爱人,于是去接待人…神的命令都遵行了,神怎么还没有赐福给我?才发现心里的生气、论断、看不惯依然还在,做不到爱仇敌…I wanted to love others, so I welcomed and cared for people... I have obeyed Gods command, so why hasnt God blessed me? Only then did I realise that the anger, judgment, and dislike in my heart were still there, and I couldnt bring myself to love my enemies...


于是我们说,太难了,做不到,没有人能做到。但真理告诉我们:神的命不是难守的!神的话是真实可信的!主啊,问题出在哪里呢?o we said, its too difficult, it cant be done, no one can do it. But the truth tells us: Gods commandments are not hard to keep! Gods word is true and trustworthy! Lord, whats the problem?原来肉体是卖给罪的,行不出律法的义。亚当试过,以色列人试过,他们都失败了。我跟他们一样,求主赦免我靠自己的旧人,试图遵行神的命令。It turns out that the flesh is sold to sin and cannot fulfil the righteousness of the law. Adam tried, the Israelites tried, and they all failed. Like them, I ask the Lord to forgive me for relying on my old self and trying to obey Gods commands.


主,你知道我行不出来,就差遣耶稣成为罪身的形状,作了赎罪祭,在肉体中定了罪案,使律法的义,成就在不顺从肉体,只顺从圣灵的人身上。Lord, You knew that I could not do it, so You sent Jesus in the likeness of sinful flesh to be the sin offering, to condemn sin in the flesh, so that the righteousness of the law could be fulfilled in those who do not obey the flesh but only obey the Holy Spirit.主,谢谢你赐下圣灵住在我里面,使我可以靠着圣灵治死肉体的恶行活出神的义来。我今天不再欠肉体的债,我是神的儿女,当顺服圣灵…Lord, thank You for giving the Holy Spirit to live in me, so that I can rely on the Holy Spirit to put to death the evil deeds of the flesh and live out the righteousness of God. Today, I am no longer in debt to the flesh. I am a child of God and should obey the Holy Spirit...


主啊,你的命不是难守的!阿们!我的旧人自私,自爱,自保,里面充满各种罪恶,只配得与你同钉十字架Lord, Your commandments are not hard to keep! Amen! My old self was selfish, self-loving, and self-preserving. It was full of all kinds of sins and only worthy of being crucified with You!神就是爱,你怎么忍耐等候我,一次次饶恕赦免我,求你的爱充满我,使我不靠自己,而是靠着圣灵,因你爱的救赎,活出感恩,爱神,爱人的生命,见 证耶稣复活的大能!God is love—how can You wait patiently for me, forgive me again and again. Please fill me with Your love so that I will not rely on myself, but on the Holy Spirit. Because of the redemption of Your love, may I live a life of gratitude, loving God and loving others, and bear witness to the power of Jesus resurrection! (付传道Pastor Fu)


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