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【约壹4:20-21】人若说“我爱神”,却恨他的弟兄,就是说谎话的;不爱他所看见的弟兄,就不能爱没有看见的神(有古卷作“怎能爱没有看见的神呢?”)。爱神的,也当爱弟兄,这是我们从神所受的命令。【1 John4:20-21】Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister.

发表于 2024-12-29

我们相爱,不要只在言语和舌头上,总要在行为和诚实上。使徒约翰说,爱神的实际,不是单在乎口里怎样说,而是在乎怎样行。We should not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. The Apostle John said that the reality of loving God is not just about what we say, but about what we do.耶稣已经为我们做了爱的榜样,爱了我们这些仇敌,祂打开宽恕的门,接纳饶恕我们。Jesus has set an example of love for us. He loved us, including our enemies, and He opened the door of forgiveness, accepting and forgiving us.我们说爱神而恨弟兄,就是说谎话的。不能爱看得见的弟兄,就不能爱看不见的神,爱神的,就应当爱弟兄,这是我们从神所受的命令。If we claim to love God yet hate a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. And He has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister.


我们爱首先是神先爱了我们,祂舍命把我们从罪恶中挽回,让我们有了永活的盼望。We love God because He loved us first. He gave His life to redeem us from sin and offer us the hope of eternal life.我们想要跟神有更好的关系,首先要跟身边的人(配偶 父母 孩子 弟兄姊妹 朋友 同事 邻舍……)建立好的关系。If we want to have a better relationship with God, we must first establish good relationships with the people around us—our spouse, parents, children, brothers and sisters, friends, colleagues, and neighbours.我们如果不能爱看得见的人,也不能爱看不见的神。当神兴起风浪,试炼我们的心是否真的爱神,把和我们一样罪人本相的人放在我们面前,我们的心如何呢? If we cannot love people whom we can see, we cannot love God whom we cannot see. When God raises storms to test whether our hearts truly love Him and puts people who are sinners like us before us, how will our hearts respond?


当己心被冒犯时,就不饶恕,开始讲对错理由,发怒,计算人的恶,只有恨没有爱了。When one’s heart is offended, one may refuse to forgive, instead reasoning about right and wrong, becoming angry, and keeping a record of wrongs. This leads to hatred rather than love.爱从神而来,神是接纳、饶恕、怜悯…当心预备好时,回转向神就知道这是跟神建立好关系的时刻,是得生命的时刻,是看到自己老本相的时刻,想到主是如此爱我这个罪人,正是我报恩的时刻来了。Love comes from God, who accepts, forgives, and shows mercy. When the heart is ready and turns back to God, we realise that this is the time to establish a good relationship with Him, the time to gain life, the time to see our true selves, and the time to repay the Lord for loving a sinner like me.神如何为我舍命,我也为我的弟兄舍命,立时来遵行神的命令。Just as God gave His life for me, I also give my life for my brothers, obeying God’s command without delay.


主说:“你们要彼此接纳,如同基督接纳你们一样,使荣耀归与神。”是的,我们都是罪人蒙恩,接纳他人的本相就是接纳我自己。The Lord said, Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.” Yes, we are all sinners who have received grace, and accepting the true self of others is accepting ourselves.当我们彼此相爱,任何时候懂得换位思考,爱人如己,相信万事互相效力,生活当中的每一件事情都是得生命的机会,When we love each other, we learn to think from othersperspectives, love others as ourselves, and trust that in all things God works for good. Every moment in life is an opportunity to gain life.甘心放下自己,谦卑顺服,去爱,背起自己的十字架,信靠神的话语,遵行神的命令,以基督的心为心,活出爱弟兄的实际荣耀主名。We are willing to put ourselves aside, humbly obey, love, and take up our own crosses. We trust in God’s words, obey His commands, and live out the reality of loving our brothers, glorifying the Lord’s name with the heart of Christ. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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