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【约壹4:4】小子们哪,你们是属神的,并且胜了他们,因为那在你们里面的,比那在世界上的更大。【1John4:4】You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.

发表于 2024-12-24

约翰不断地鼓励信徒,在两国争战之中,会经历火一样的试炼,会经历艰难、困苦、逼迫,但不要因着邪恶势力而消弱我们对神的信心。John constantly encourages believers that in the war between the two kingdoms, they will experience trials like fire, hardships, difficulties, and persecution. But we must not weaken our faith in God because of the evil forces.要深知道自己的身份,自己是属神的,并且胜了那撒旦的国度。We must deeply understand our identity — that we belong to God and have overcome the kingdom of Satan.纵然世界的上空被一种属灵黑暗力量在引导和影响着这个世界,确信那在我们里面的,比那在世界上的更大。Even though the world is guided and influenced by a spiritual dark force above it, we must be sure that what is in us is greater than what is in the world.


因为我们有得胜的资源,就是圣灵内住在我们里面,祂是以马内利的神,时时与我们同在。Because we have the resources to win, that is, the Holy Spirit dwells in us. He is the God of Immanuel, who is with us all the time.因着信,不凭眼见,不凭己意,靠着那爱我们的主,在一切的事上,面临任何的考试,都得胜有余。By faith, not by sight, not by our own will, but by relying on the Lord who loves us, in all things, facing any test, we are more than victorious.因为祂在我们里面,比世界的更大。祂是我们最强大的保护者,面对惧怕我们大声赞美,为那摆放的前面的喜乐,我们就一无畏惧。Because He is in us, He is greater than the world. He is our most powerful protector. When we face fear, we praise loudly, and for the joy set before us, we have nothing to fear.


主啊,我们所经历的你都知道,有时我们很容易被四周邪恶的事吓倒,被我们遇到的问题所困扰,邪恶势力明显比我们强大,心中就充满了惧怕,就失去了勇气,心就消化。Lord, You know what we have experienced. Sometimes we are easily frightened by the evil things around us and troubled by the problems we encounter. The evil forces are obviously stronger than us, and our hearts are filled with fear. We lose our courage, and our hearts melt. 但你的话是将我们救活,你的话带着极大的能力,在我里面的比世界的更大。But Your words can save us. Your words carry great power, and what is in me is greater than the world. 是的,我们的主比一切都大,祂胜过所有邪恶,祂的灵祂的话就住在我们的心中。Yes, our Lord is greater than everything. He overcomes all evil, and His Spirit and His words live in our hearts.


我宣告:“我们是属神的,圣灵在我们里面做我们随时的帮助,虽有困难,我们仍然有大喜乐,因得胜复活的主是我们的神,与祂同死必与祂同复活。” I declare: "We belong to God, and the Holy Spirit is in us to help us at all times. Although there are difficulties, we still have great joy, because the victorious and resurrected Lord is our God, and those who die with Him will be resurrected with Him."主啊,如今活着的不再是我,乃是耶稣基督在我们里面活着。Lord, it is no longer I who live now, but Jesus Christ who lives in us.趁着还有今日,我们立定心志把生命献给你,否定自己,高举基督,以敬畏神为乐,活出在我里面的比世界更大的实际,让仇敌蒙羞,让神的名得荣耀。While there is still today, we are determined to dedicate our lives to You, deny ourselves, exalt Christ, take pleasure in the fear of God, live out the reality in me that is greater than the world, shame the enemy, and glorify God’s name. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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