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【约一3:23】神的命令就是叫我们信他儿子耶稣基督的名,且照他所赐给我们的命令彼此相爱。【1Jo 3:23】And this is his command: to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as he commanded us.

发表于 2024-12-24

祷告蒙垂听的条件是我们遵守神的命令,行他所喜悦的事。神的命令是什么呢?他所喜悦的是什么呢?经上告诉我们:神的命令就是叫我们信他儿子耶稣基督的名,且照他所赐给我们的命令彼此相爱。The condition for our prayers to be answered is that we obey Gods commands and do what pleases Him. What is Gods command? What pleases Him? The Bible tells us: Gods command is that we believe in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ, and love one another as He has commanded us.神儿子的名叫耶稣,是要把他的百姓从罪恶中拯救出来。除罪不是我们的终极目标,活出爱的生命才是。The name of the Son of God, Jesus, was given to save His people from their sins. Eliminating sin is not our ultimate goal; living a life of love is.


耶稣在最后的晚餐上,嘱咐门徒要彼此相爱,正如耶稣爱我们一样。我们若彼此相爱,众人就认出我们是耶稣的门徒了。神就是爱,神圣的爱的生命是神儿子的标记。At the Last Supper, Jesus told His disciples to love one another as He has loved us. If we love one another, everyone will know that we are His disciples. God is love, and the life of divine love is the mark of the Son of God. 阿们,我相信,任何环境临到,你的命令是要除去我的罪,让我操练饶恕,爱人。这命令是与我有益。终归是为了爱。Amen. I believe that no matter what circumstances come, Your command is to remove my sin and enable me to practiseforgiveness and love. This command is good for me. After all, its all about love.


爱人,不仅要舍时间,钱财,利益,好处,更要舍面子,自尊,甚至要舍命…主啊,我的旧人没有无条件的爱,因此我需要来信神儿子的名To love others, we must not only sacrifice our time, money, interests, and favours, but also our face, self-respect, and even our lives... Lord, my old self did not have unconditional love, so I need to believe in the name of the Son of God惟有爱能叫我们出死入生,得着在基督里的真自由。主,这是何等的盼望,求圣灵治死我里面的自私,自我中心,诡诈,贪婪,竭力得着耶稣。Only love can save us, enabling us to pass from death to life and gain true freedom in Christ. Lord, what a hope this is! I ask the Holy Spirit to put to death the selfishness, self-centredness, deceit, and greed within me, and help me strive to gain Jesus.


主啊,你来了要叫我们得丰盛的生命。你怎样遵行父的命令,求圣灵帮助我,因信你的应许,甘心遵行你的命令,除去靠自己行律法,跟神做交换,拜偶像的心,Lord, You have come to give us abundant life. How did You obey the Fathers command? Please help me through the Holy Spirit. Because I believe in Your promise, I am willing to obey Your command. I lay aside the heart that relies on myself to follow the law, making exchanges with God, and worshipping idols.竭力操练饶恕爱人,爱仇敌,脱去从前的旧人,活出新造的人的实际,成为爱的传递者,使人看见我们神的荣美,也来归向你。I strive to practiseforgiving my loved ones, loving my enemies, and freeing myself from idols. I let go of the old self, live out the reality of the new creation, and become a transmitter of love, so that people can see the glory of our God and come to You. (付传道Pastor Fu)


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