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【约壹3:22】并且我们一切所求的,就从他得着,因为我们遵守他的命令,行他所喜悦的事。【1 John 3:22】and receive from him anything we ask, because we keep his commands and do what pleases him.

发表于 2024-12-22

阿们!何等美好的应许,只要我们遵行神的命令,行祂所喜悦的事,我们一切所求的就从祂得着。Amen! What a wonderful promise! As long as we obey God's commandments and do the things that please Him, we will receive whatever we ask from Him. 这里说一切所求的都从祂得着,“一切”是照着神的旨意求就无不得着。Here, it says that whatever we ask for will be received from Him. "Everything" means that if we ask according to God's will, we will receive it. 基督徒所走的是一条属灵的路,生命的路,信心的路,是走一条行神旨意的路,但必须从里面与基督合一的路,Christians walk a spiritual path—a path of life, a path of faith, a path to do God's will—but we must be united with Christ from within. The prayers of the righteous are very effective.义人的祷告是大有功效的。


正如耶稣基督在客西马尼园流血流泪的祷告,若这杯能撤去,然而,不要成就我的意思,只要成就你的意思。Just as Jesus Christ prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane with blood and tears, "If this cup can be taken away, however, not my will, but Yours be done,"祂顺服至死且死在十字架上,父得了荣耀。祂说祂荣耀了父还要再荣耀。He obeyed to the point of death and died on the cross, and the Father was glorified. He said that He glorified the Father and would glorify Him again. 就是借着圣灵住到我们里面,带领我们遵行神的命令,行祂所喜悦的事,爱神爱人,使我们有基督徒生命的实质,That is, through the Holy Spirit living in us, leading us to obey God's commands, do what pleases Him, love God and love others, we gain the essence of Christian life. 我们相爱不是单在言语上,而是在行为和诚实上。We love each other not only in words but in actions and honesty.  


是的,圣灵参透万事,求主时常来监察我们的心,Yes, the Holy Spirit understands everything. May the Lord always monitor our hearts. 我们在求什么?行谁喜悦的事?What are we asking for? Do what pleases whom? 若我们偏行己路,求主及时的纠正提醒,责备管教,使我们的心转回,行在真理里我们就可以在神的面前得安稳。If we go our own way, may the Lord correct and remind us in time, rebuke and discipline us, so that our hearts turn back. If we walk in the truth, we can stand secure in the presence of God. 主啊,你的命令是要我们彼此相爱,如此行就是住在主的爱里,让我们爱你所爱,恨你所恨。Lord, Your command is for us to love one another. Doing so is to live in the love of the Lord, so that we love what You love and hate what You hate. 每天以基督的心为心,看重和神的关系,为国度的复兴警醒祷告,预备自己。Every day, let us take the heart of Christ as our own, value our relationship with God, be alert, and pray for the revival of the kingdom, preparing ourselves.  


亲爱的父,感谢你舍命大爱,把我们从罪恶中挽回,Dear Father, thank You for Your great love in sacrificing Your life to redeem us from sin. 我们是属于你的,献上生命给我最爱的父,完全顺服,完全降服,每天行义的生命讨你的喜悦。爱你是我们一生的呼召,We belong to You and offer our lives to You, our beloved Father, completely obeying and surrendering, and living a righteous life every day to please You. 此刻,我心尊主为大,先求神的国和义,能成为一个真正懂父心的人,Loving You is our lifelong calling. At this moment, I honour the Lord in my heart, seek God's kingdom and righteousness first, and strive to become a person who truly understands the Father's heart. 常常举手向你祈求,求你赐下悔改的灵,敬畏你的心,使万民都归向你,愿你的国度降临,愿你的旨意行在地上如同行在天上。 I often lift my hands in prayer to You, asking You to grant me a spirit of repentance and a heart that fears You, so that all people may turn to You. May Your kingdom come, and may Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. (郭姊妹Sister Guo) 


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