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【约壹3:18】小子们哪,我们相爱,不要只在言语和舌头上,总要在行为和诚实上。【1 John3:18】Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.

发表于 2024-12-20

主的命令是叫我们彼此相爱。Lord’s command is for us to love one another. 使徒约翰告诉我们,不要只在言语和舌头上,总要在行为和诚实上。The apostle John teaches us not to love merely in words or speech, but in actions and truth. 若是我们看到弟兄缺乏,却塞住怜恤的心,说“耶稣爱你,求主赐给你需用的一切,平平安安地去吧”,不给他们实际的帮助,爱神的心怎能存在我们里面呢?If we see a brother in need and close our hearts to compassion, saying, “Jesus loves you, may the Lord provide for all your needs; go in peace,” yet offer no tangible help, how can the love of God dwell in us? 不爱看得见的弟兄,就不能爱看不见的神。If we do not love our brother and sister, whom we have seen, cannot love God, whom we have not seen.

那我们看到有人缺乏,就给钱,给物,把人领回家里,这就是爱吗?But does giving money, possessions, or even shelter to those in need truly constitute love? 等到人吃了,喝了,也不感恩,甚至觉得理所当然,自己就要生气恼恨了!When they eat and drink without gratitude, perhaps even feeling entitled, we may become frustrated and resentful. 主啊,我不是在遵行你的命令吗?Lord, am I not obeying Your command? 主啊,原来靠自己,怎么做都是不对的。Yes, Lord, I realize that in relying on my own strength, I always fall short. 原来爱是从神而来,我的天然人没有爱,我需要依靠圣灵才能有爱。True love comes from God. My natural self lacks love; I must depend on the Holy Spirit to love as You command.

神若只是坐在高高的宝座上,说“你要悔改”,我们永远也无法脱离罪与死的咒诅。If God had merely remained on His exalted throne, saying, “Repent,” we would never have escaped the curse of sin and death. 耶稣的爱,不仅是宣扬天国的福音,更是走下宝座,舍弃一切尊贵荣耀,道成肉身,死在十字架上,The love of Jesus is not only in proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom but also in stepping down from His throne, relinquishing all glory and honor, becoming flesh, and dying on the cross. 用舍命的行动,代替我们受刑罚,受鞭伤,使我们得赦免,得拯救。Through His sacrificial act, He bore our punishment, endured scourging on our behalf, and granted us forgiveness and salvation. 是这份爱感动了我,吸引了我,领我悔改。It is this love that moved me, drew me, and led me to repentance.

主啊,求你赦免我里面一切的自义、自行、靠自己去做好人好事,以至受伤,心寒,不愿再付出。Lord, forgive me for my self-righteousness, my reliance on my own strength to do good works, and the wounds, coldness, and reluctance to give again that result. 主,是你先爱了我,你舍命的爱救我脱离死亡,我无以为报,惟有献上我的一切所有,Lord, You loved me first. Your sacrificial love saved me from death. I have nothing to offer in return but my entire being. 求圣灵治死我里面的自私、惧怕、自保,I pray, Holy Spirit, put to death the selfishness, fear, and self-preservation within me. 使我因信你的爱,在祷告、寻求、等候中,照你的旨意成为爱的管道,见证耶稣的爱。By faith in Your love, may I, through prayer, seeking, and waiting, align with Your will to become a vessel of love, testifying to the love of Jesus.(付传道 Pastor Fu)


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