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【约一3:14】我们因为爱弟兄,就晓得是已经出死入生了。没有爱心的,仍住在死中。【1Jo 3:14】We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love our brothers. Anyone who does not love remains in death.

发表于 2024-12-18

使徒约翰称自己是:耶稣所爱的那门徒,约翰经历过道成肉身的耶稣的爱;最后的晚餐上,耶稣为门徒洗脚,赐下彼此相爱的命令;he apostle John called himself: the disciple whom Jesus loved. John experienced the love of the incarnate Jesus; at the last supper, Jesus washed the disciples feet and gave the command to love each other;约翰跟到了十字架前,看到耶稣怎样舍命,又亲身见证了耶稣的复活…他终于明白了什么是爱:主为我舍命,我就知道何为爱,我也当为弟兄舍命。John followed to the cross and saw Jesus How he laid down his life and personally witnessed the resurrection of Jesus... He finally understood what love is: If the Lord laid down his life for me, then I know what love is, and I should also lay down my life for my brothers.


爱是舍命的行动。爱弟兄的,就已经出死入生了。约翰领受了耶稣的爱,与耶稣建立爱的关系,不再争大,不再害怕,而是倾倒生命,把爱流淌在他所牧养的人身上。Love is a life-saving act. He who loves his brother has passed from death to life. John received the love of Jesus and established a relationship of love with Him. No longer striving for power or living in fear, John poured out his life and let love flow to the people he shepherded.约翰的书信中,不断地讲到爱。据说约翰最后一次讲道只有一句话:“小子们,你们要彼此相爱!”爱 是永不止息。Johns letters continually emphasise love. It is said that Johns final sermon consisted of just one sentence: Little children, love one another! Love never ends.


主啊,我的天然人自私、冷漠、自我中心,只想从人身上索取爱。自己付出一点,就期望得回报。别人的付出,却总觉得不够不够,如阴间和死亡一样不满足。Lord, my natural self is selfish, cold, self-centred, and only desires love from others. I give a little and expect something in return. The efforts of others always feel inadequate, as unsatisfying as hell and death.主,我是何等不配,你却舍了生命,用爱救赎了我。我白白得着这爱,也要白白给出去。爱,使我们可以出死入生。Lord, how unworthy I am, yet You laid down Your life and redeemed me with Your love. I have received this love freely, and I will give it freely. Love enables us to pass from death to life.


主啊,赦免我对人的论断、苦毒、恼恨、冷漠…没有爱心的,仍住在死中。我们不是消极地对付罪,神就是爱,我们可以靠着圣灵活出爱,传递爱。Lord, forgive me for my judgment, bitterness, anger, and indifference towards others... He who has no love abides in death. We cannot deal with sin passively. God is love, and we can rely on the Holy Spirit to express and convey love.主啊,帮助我,常思想你舍命的大爱,从爱家人开始,操练忍耐、接纳、饶恕、怜悯…使我们在舍己、付出、爱人中,重新活过来,荣耀你的名。Lord, help me to always reflect on Your great love, which led You to sacrifice Your life. Starting with loving my family, help me to practise patience, acceptance, forgiveness, and mercy, so that we may live anew in self-sacrifice, service, and love for others, bringing glory to Your name. (付传道Pastor Fu)


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