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【约壹3:8】犯罪的是属魔鬼,因为魔鬼从起初就犯罪。神的儿子显现出来,为要除灭魔鬼的作为。【1John3:8】The one who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work.

发表于 2024-12-17

魔鬼从起初就犯罪,是迷惑人的,引诱人犯罪与神为仇。起初,我们都在里面,世人都犯了罪亏缺了神的荣耀。The devil has been sinning from the beginning. He is a deceiver, tempting people to sin and become enemies of God. In the beginning, we were all in him, and all people have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.神的儿子道成肉身,降卑为人来到我们中间,顺服至死且死在十字架上,救恩就成了。The Son of God became flesh, humbled Himself as a man, came among us, obeyed to the point of death, and died on the cross, and salvation was accomplished.但经上说,我们的仇敌魔鬼如同吼叫的狮子遍地游行寻找可吞吃的人,但神的儿子显现出来为要除魔鬼一切的作为。But the Bible says that our enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour, but the reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy all the devils work.


信主了以后我们是属神的,犯罪的时候我们就属魔鬼。什么时候一而再,再而三的顺从私欲犯罪,就掉进魔鬼的网罗。After we believe in the Lord, we belong to God, and when we sin, we belong to the devil. When we obey our lusts and sin again and again, we fall into the snare of the devil.犯罪是属魔鬼的,神儿子的显现要除掉人的犯罪。Sin belongs to the devil, and the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devils work.我们常常如神一样分辨善恶,凭眼见凭耳闻,吃的日子就必定死死,灵魂与主隔绝。We often distinguish between good and evil like God, based on what we see with our eyes and hear with our ears. The day we eat, we will surely die, and our souls will be separated from the Lord.今天圣灵在我们里面,就是要除掉我们的罪,禁止我们的心去犯罪。Today, the Holy Spirit is in us to remove our sins and forbid our hearts from sinning.


是的,我们要保守我们的心,胜过保守一切,一切的果效是由心发出。因信,知道惹事的根在乎神,万有都是神的仆役,我们就回到自己受造的本位。Yes, we must guard our hearts, more than guarding anything else, for all outcomes come from the heart. By faith, we know that the root of troubles lies in God, and all things are God's servants, and we return to our original position of creation.我是谁,岂知好知呢?将自己的心归向神,知道任何时候都是考试,时时预备心否定自己,他必兴旺我必衰微,Who am I to know good and evil? Turn your heart to God, know that every moment is a test, and always prepare your heart to deny yourself. He will prosper, and I will decline.任何时候都看别人比自己更重要,换位思考,祝福他人,撒旦就在我们身上就没有任何的权势和地位。At all times, consider others more important than ourself, think from other people's perspectives, bless others, and Satan will have no power or authority over us.


当神的灵在我们里面掌权,我们就会极力恨恶罪,对罪敏感,不让罪在我们必死的身上作王。When the Spirit of God reigns in us, we will hate sin with all our strength, be sensitive to sin, and not let sin reign in our mortal bodies.因哪里有嫉妒、争竞、苦毒、仇恨……哪里就有魔鬼的作为;哪里有饶恕、牺牲、爱、怜悯……哪里就有神的作为;Because where there is jealousy, competition, bitterness, and hatred, there are the actions of the devil; where there is forgiveness, sacrifice, love, and mercy, there are the actions of God.耶稣基督把爱活在伤口,打开了宽恕的门,为我们做了榜样,祂也教导我们,人有见识就不轻易发怒,宽恕人的过失便是自己的荣耀,Jesus Christ lived out love in His wounds, opened the door of forgiveness, and set an example for us. He also taught us that people with insight will not be easily angered, and forgiving people's faults is their own glory.如今,我们还活着的人,每天的目标就是为荣耀神而活。Now, for those of us who are still alive, our goal every day is to live for the glory of God. (姊妹Sister Guo)


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