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【约一3:7】小子们哪,不要被人诱惑。行义的才是义人,正如主是义的一样。【1Jo 3:7】Dear children, do not let anyone lead you astray. He who does what is right is righteous, just as he is righteous.

发表于 2024-12-17

约翰在书信中多次提到假教师和迷惑人的“敌基督者”。因此约翰劝勉信徒,不要被人诱惑。不要被人虚假的言论所迷惑,犯罪的是属魔鬼,因为魔鬼从起初就是犯罪的。John frequently mentioned false teachers and the "antichrist" who deceive people in his letters. Therefore, John exhorted believers not to be led astray by others and not to be deceived by false words. Those who commit sins belong to the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning.行义的才是义人,正如主是义的一样!从果子可以认出树。从一个人的言行上,可以反应出这人是义人,还是罪人。Those who practise righteousness are righteous, just as the Lord is righteous. You can recognise a tree by its fruit. A persons words and deeds reflect whether they are righteous or a sinner.


我们信了耶稣不都是义人了吗?是的,因着耶稣这义的生命,代替我们的不义,为我们死在十字架上,耶稣复活赐给我们新的生命,我们得着白白的救恩,得以称义。Arent we all righteous if we believe in Jesus? Yes, because Jesus righteous life replaced our unrighteousness, and He died on the cross for us. Through Jesus resurrection, we received new life, free salvation, and were justified.因信称义的真理,没有错。但这只是地位上的。信心没有行为是死的。主是义的,祂所行的也全然公义良善。The truth of justification by faith is correct, but this refers only to our position before God. Faith without works is dead. The Lord is righteous, and everything He does is completely righteous and good.


阿们!行义的才是义人,正如主是义的一样。照我们的本相,都是卖给罪的。外在的好行为,不能叫我们成为义人。Amen! Only those who practise righteousness are righteous, just as the Lord is righteous. In our natural state, we are all sold to sin. Outward good behaviour cannot make us righteous.但因着耶稣复活的大能,我们的旧人与主同钉十字架,活着的不再是自己,而是耶稣在我们里面活着,被圣灵更新、引导行事为人,活出耶稣的公义和爱,才是真的义人。But through the power of Jesus resurrection, our old self was crucified with Him. It is no longer we who live, but Jesus who lives in us. Only when we are renewed and guided by the Holy Spirit to walk in and live out Jesus righteousness and love can we be truly righteous.


主,当我与你对版,看到自己里面尽是不义、罪恶、污秽,却自以为义,实在是该被钉死的!Lord, when I look at myself in Your presence, I see that I am full of unrighteousness, sin, and filthiness, yet I think I am righteous. I truly deserve to be crucified! 主啊,帮助我时时求告圣灵,否定自己的判断,不行自己眼中看为对和好的事情,而是从里到外被更新,行耶稣所行的,行公义,好怜悯,存谦卑的心与主同行,使人从我们身上看到耶稣的荣美,归荣耀给天上的父。Lord, help me to always call on the Holy Spirit, deny my own judgment, and refrain from doing what I think is right and good. Instead, may I be renewed from the inside out, do what Jesus didact justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with Youso that people may see the glory of Jesus in us and give glory to the Father in heaven. (付传道Pastor Fu)


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