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【约壹3:6】凡住在他里面的,就不犯罪;凡犯罪的,是未曾看见他,也未曾认识他。【1 John3:6】No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him.

发表于 2024-12-15

这里用两个“凡”字,来划分两种不同的人。凡住在祂里面的,就不犯罪,这是住在主里面的人,和神有关系的人。The two "whoever"s here distinguish between two types of people. Whoever abides in Him does not sin. This refers to the person who remains in the Lord and has a relationship with God. 凡犯罪的,是未曾看见祂,也未曾认识祂,这是不认识神的人,不认识基督救赎的人。Whoever sins has neither seen Him nor known Him. This refers to the person who does not know God and does not know the salvation of Christ. 神是信实公义的主,尊重神的,神必重看他;藐视神的,他必被轻视。咒诅和祝福两条路,两种截然不同的结局。God is a faithful and righteous Lord. Those who honour God will be honoured by God; those who despise God will be despised. Curse and blessing are two different paths, two completely different outcomes.


凡住在主里面的,就不犯罪;是指信徒跟神连接的关系,枝子连于葡萄树,与主保持生命的连结与交通。Whoever abides in the Lord does not sin; this refers to the relationship between believers and God, where the branches are connected to the vine, and they maintain a life connection and communication with the Lord. 今天在我们里面有两个人,一个是老自己,一个是基督的生命,当我们渴慕与主联合,渴慕祂的圣洁,就会竭力住在基督里,就不会持续犯罪;Today, there are two people in us: one is the old self, and the other is the life of Christ. When we long to be united with the Lord and desire His holiness, we will strive to abide in Christ and will not continue to sin. 当选择住在基督里面,就是心思意念住在神话语的管制里面,被祂的话语引导管制。凡从神生的,就不会持续犯罪。When we choose to abide in Christ, our minds and thoughts are controlled by God's Word, and we are guided and shaped by His words. Anyone born of God will not continue to sin.


凡犯罪的,是未曾看见他,也未曾认识他。当人以自我为中心,眼中无神目中无人,习惯于犯罪,Anyone who sins has not seen Him, nor has he known Him. When people are self-centred, have no regard for God, are accustomed to sin,放纵肉体的私欲,随着肉体和心中所喜好的去行,享受罪中之乐,本为可怒之子。他们与神没有任何关系,未曾看见也未曾认识祂,因犯罪的就是魔鬼。indulge in the desires of the flesh, follow the desires of the flesh and the heart, enjoy the pleasure of sin, and are children of wrath, they have no relationship with God, and have never seen or known Him, because the one who sins is of the devil. 主啊,这一刻,你的话就像一束大光照亮我的心,被圣灵责备,说是信你,所走的路竟然是与你为仇的路。Lord, at this moment, Your words are like a beam of light that illuminates my heart. I was rebuked by the Holy Spirit, realising that I believed in You, but the path I took was actually the path of enmity with You.


求主赦免我忘恩作恶的罪,因着罪被黑暗吞没,受尽苦痛,是你在远处看见了我,舍命流血将我从罪恶中救回,我的生命因为有你而被改变。Please forgive my sin of ingratitude and wickedness. Because of sin, I was swallowed up by darkness and suffered greatly. It was You who saw me from a distance and saved me from sin by sacrificing Your life and blood. 主啊,你是何等圣洁的主,吸引我们的心也成为圣洁,不再犯罪,让你的圣灵担忧,My life has been transformed because of You. Lord, You are such a holy Lord, drawing our hearts to become holy, no longer sinning or grieving Your Holy Spirit, 而是竭力住到主里,与你联合,将心意夺回归给耶稣基督,时时活出义的生命,荣耀你的圣名。but striving to live in the Lord, uniting with You, taking back our hearts and minds to Jesus Christ, living a righteous life at all times, and glorifying Your holy name.Guo


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