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【约壹3:5】你们知道主曾显现,是要除掉人的罪,在他并没有罪。【1‪John3:5】But you know that he appeared so that he might take away our sins. And in him is no sin.‬

发表于 2024-12-13

世人都犯了罪,谁肯救罪人,谁能救罪人呢?当耶稣道成肉身来到地上时,要把祂的百姓从罪恶中拯救出来。完成这使命的代价却是舍了自己的生命。All people in the world have sinned. Who is willing to save sinners? Who can save sinners? When Jesus became flesh and came to earth, He wanted to save His people from sin. The cost of completing this mission was the sacrifice of His own life.施洗约翰指着耶稣说:“看哪,神的羔羊,除去世人罪孽的!”惟有耶稣,这无罪的羔羊,能洗净我们的罪。耶稣这一次的显现,把自己献为祭,好除掉罪。John the Baptist pointed to Jesus and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” Only Jesus, the sinless Lamb, can cleanse our sins. This time Jesus appeared and offered Himself as a sacrifice to take away sin.


经上没有说,主曾显现,让我们升官发财!而是要除掉我们的罪!罪若不除,我们无法脱离咒诅和死亡。若不流血,罪就不得赦免。The Bible does not say that the Lord appeared to make us prosperous and wealthy! Instead, He wanted to take away our sins! If sins are not removed, we cannot escape the curse and death.十字架上,神的儿子,义的代替不义的,被钉死,为要引我们到神面前。Without the shedding of blood, sins cannot be forgiven. On the cross, the Son of God, the righteous for the unrighteous, was crucified to bring us to God.因耶稣所受的鞭伤和刑罚,我们得了医治和平安。主啊,我感谢赞美你宝贵的救恩。Because of the whipping and punishment that Jesus suffered, we have been healed and are at peace. Lord, I thank and praise You for Your precious salvation.


主啊,你是无罪的,却无怨无悔为我的罪而死。感谢你的宝血洗净我的罪,更要感谢你从死里复活,赐下圣灵住在我的里面。Lord, You are sinless, but You died for my sins without complaint or regret. Thank You for Your precious blood that cleanses my sins, and thank You for rising from the dead and giving me the Holy Spirit to live in me.若不靠你的灵,我仍然会不停地犯罪!感谢你的十字架,不仅洁净我的罪,更要终结我这个犯罪的旧人,就是将我的旧人与你同钉十字架,因为已死的人是脱离了罪。Without Your Spirit, I would still keep sinning! Thank You for Your cross, which not only cleanses my sins but also puts an end to my old sinful self — that is, crucifies my old self with You, because the dead are free from sin.


主,任何一个考试的来临,让我想起你的话,神的儿子显现,为要除去我的罪,得着丰盛的生命。Lord, the arrival of any test reminds me of Your words, that the Son of God appeared to remove my sins and give me abundant life.求你赦免我,总是去管别人的好坏对错,心里翻腾,论断,自己做神…正显明了该被否定、弃绝、钉死的是我的旧人!Please forgive me for always caring about the good and bad, right and wrong of others, churning in my heart, judging, and being my own god... It shows that it is my old self that should be denied, rejected, and crucified!求圣灵治死我里面的一切恶言恶行,除去罪,活出耶稣的爱,荣耀天父的名。I ask the Holy Spirit to put to death all the evil words and deeds in me, remove sin, live out the love of Jesus, and glorify the name of the Father. (付传道Pastor Fu)


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