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【约一3:2】亲爱的弟兄啊,我们现在是神的儿女,将来如何,还未显明;但我们知道,主若显现,我们必要像他,因为必得见他的真体。【1Jo 3:2】Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.

发表于 2024-12-12

约翰再次深情地劝勉神的儿女,不要自欺,而是更多要思想结局。我们是藉着基督的宝血成为神儿女,是本乎恩,也因着信,并藉着圣灵得了儿子的名分,John once again passionately exhorts God’s children not to deceive themselves but to reflect more on the end. We become God’s children through the precious blood of Christ, by grace, through faith, and by the Holy Spirit, we have obtained the status of sons.这不过是赛跑的起点,并非终点。将来我们会有多少像主的生命我们不知道,如今我们正在这个洁净的过程中。惟有等到神自己来判断我们是否真有基督样式的实质。This is just theng point of the race, not the end. We do not yet know how much of the Lord’s life we will experience in the future. For now, we are in this process of purification, and we must wait for God Himself to judge.


主啊,这是何等美好的盼望,为着将来有一天能与你面对面,可以得见你的真体,每天渴慕圣灵在我们里面做洁净的工作。感恩领受从神来的每一个纠正,洁净我们的心,使我们的生命被更新。Lord, what a wonderful hope this is. We long for the Holy Spirit to do the cleansing work within us every day, so that we may see You face to face one day in the future. We are grateful to receive every correction from God, which purifies our hearts and renews our lives.借着逆境的环境,被冒犯时,我们竭力活出神召我们所是的和所当行的。这正是神训练我们要被圣灵引导,因被神的灵引导的就是神的儿子了。Through adverse circumstances and when we are wronged, we strive to live out what God has called us to be and to do. This is exactly how God trains us to be led by the Holy Spirit, for those who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God.


主啊,求你赦免我们一切的罪,在环境里怕痛怕苦,拒绝你的训练和纠正,自保,选择逃离你洁净自己的工作,照着肉体所愿的去活着,享受罪中之乐。Lord, please forgive us for all our sins. We fear pain and suffering in our circumstances, reject Your training and correction, protect ourselves, and choose to escape from Your work of cleansing us. We live according to the desires of the flesh and indulge in the pleasures of sin.你说,等你来的日子谁能当得起呢?你显现的时候,谁能立得住呢?因为你如炼金之人的火,如漂布之人的碱。你是圣洁的,你愿我们能像你一样圣洁。You said, who can endure the day of Your coming? Who can stand when You appear? For You are like a refiner’s fire and a fuller’s soap. You are holy, and You want us to be as holy as You.


主啊,我们的指望乃在乎你,你说凡向你有这指望的,就洁净自己,像你洁净一样。你在凡事上选择顺服到底,让自己受苦,只愿成就父的旨意。今天我们要成为真跟随者,岂不更要效仿你的脚踪,为这指望要付上一切的代价吗?Lord, our hope is in You. You said that whoever has this hope in You will purify himself, just as You are pure. You chose to obey to the very end in everything, allowing Yourself to suffer, solely to fulfil the will of the Father. Today, if we want to be true followers, shouldn’t we follow in Your footsteps and pay the full price for this hope?因你应许与你一同受苦就与你一同得荣耀。主啊,我们愿意回应你的呼召和使命,在受苦上与你有份,直到长大成为真儿子耶稣基督荣耀你的名。For You promised that those who suffer with You will also be glorified with You. Lord, we are willing to respond to Your call and mission, sharing in suffering with You until we grow into true sons of Jesus Christ and glorify Your name. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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