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【约壹2:27】你们从主所受的恩膏常存在你们心里,并不用人教训你们,自有主的恩膏在凡事上教训你们。这恩膏是真的,不是假的,你们要按这恩膏的教训住在主里面。【1 John2:27】As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit—just as it has taught you, remain in him.

发表于 2024-12-11

我们从主所受的恩膏,就是圣灵。信耶稣之后,除了神的道要常存在心里,还有圣灵的恩膏常存在我们心里。The anointing we receive from the Lord is the Holy Spirit. After believing in Jesus, in addition to keeping the Word of God in our hearts, the anointing of the Holy Spirit also dwells within us.有圣灵又真又活的引领,使我们不用去问人:我该如何行?自有主的恩膏在凡事上教训我们。因为这恩膏是真的,不是假的。阿们!圣灵会说话,启示,引导,带领。With the real and living guidance of the Holy Spirit, we do not need to ask others, “What should I do?” The anointing of the Lord teaches us all things, because this anointing is real, not counterfeit. Amen! The Holy Spirit can speak, reveal, guide, and lead.


感谢天父,差遣圣灵住在我们里面,永远与我们同在。圣灵来使我们想起耶稣的话,圣灵要将一切的事指教我们,并要引导我们进入一切的真理。Thank You, Heavenly Father, for sending the Holy Spirit to live in us and be with us forever. The Holy Spirit reminds us of Jesus’ words, teaches us all things, and guides us into all truth.圣灵来为叫我们为罪、为义、为审判,自己责备自己。借着圣灵的光照,我们可以悔改转向真理。圣灵降在我们身上,就必得着能力,为耶稣作见证。The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, righteousness, and judgement. Through the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit, we can repent and turn to the truth. When the Holy Spirit comes upon us, we gain the power to bear witness to Jesus.


主啊,我们经历过圣灵的能力,这恩膏的教训是真的。宝贵的圣灵——神自己住在我们里面。Lord, we have experienced the power of the Holy Spirit, and the teachings of this anointing are true. The precious Holy Spirit—God Himself—dwells within us.当我们顺服圣灵微小的声音,就看到神奇妙的作为。多少时候,我们不顺服圣灵——真理的声音行事,就多受苦楚,被仇敌欺压。When we obey the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit, we witness Your wonderful deeds. Many times, when we do not obey the voice of the Holy Spirit and the truth, we suffer greatly and are oppressed by the enemy.主,求你赦免我信自己,依靠自己血肉的膀臂,让圣灵担忧了。Lord, please forgive me for trusting in myself, relying on my own flesh, and grieving the Holy Spirit.


主啊,我要回转向你,一切的智慧、知识、胜过罪的能力,都在圣灵里面。求圣灵治死我旧人里的私欲和恶行,使我按着恩膏的教训住在主里面,Lord, I want to return to You. All wisdom, knowledge, and the power to overcome sin are in the Holy Spirit. I ask the Holy Spirit to put to death the selfish desires and evil deeds of my old self, so that I can live in You according to the teachings of the anointing.枝子连于葡萄树,因信被真理更新,遵行你的命令,顺服天父爱神爱人,结出果子来荣耀你,Let me remain as a branch connected to the vine, be renewed by the truth through faith, obey Your commands, submit to the Father, love God and love others, and bear fruit to glorify You.使身边的人看到这恩膏的大能和真实,也来归向你。May the people around me witness the power and reality of this anointing and be drawn to You. (付传道Pastor Fu)


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