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【约壹2:22】谁是说谎话的呢?不是那不认耶稣为基督的吗?不认父与子的,这就是敌基督的。【1 John2:22】Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist—denying the Father and the Son.

发表于 2024-12-10

约翰再次叮嘱信徒要谨慎,警醒祷告,免得入了迷惑。John once again exhorted believers to be cautious, alert, and prayerful, so as not to be deceived.在末后的日子有敌基督的要来,现在已经有好些敌基督已经出来了,约翰向信徒指明敌基督的特征:是从基督徒中间出去的、不是属我们的、说谎的、不认耶稣为基督的、不认父与子的、引诱信徒的。In the last days, the Antichrist will come, and many Antichrists have already appeared. John pointed out the characteristics of the Antichrist to believers: they have gone out from among Christians, they are not of us, they lie, they do not recognise Jesus as the Christ, they do not recognise the Father and the Son, and they lead believers astray.只要包含这些特征就是那说谎的,不认耶稣为基督,并且也不认父与子,就是敌基督。Anyone who has these characteristics is a liar, does not recognise Jesus as the Christ, and does not recognise the Father and the Son—these are the Antichrist.


在这个迷惑的时代,信徒想要胜过这个敌基督的迷惑,就得住到主里,扎根真理,务要将神的道要存在心里,效仿耶稣基督在面对撒旦的试探时,祂都是以经上记着说击退仇敌的诡计。In this age of deception, believers who want to overcome the lies of the Antichrist must remain in the Lord, be grounded in the truth, keep the Word of God in their hearts, and imitate Jesus Christ when He faced Satan’s temptations. He always used the Scriptures to fend off the enemy’s tricks.当我们定意持守在神的话语中,正确地持守主耶稣的教训,就可以免受试探和诱惑,我们就必住在子里面,也必住在父里面。When we are determined to adhere to God’s Word and follow the teachings of the Lord Jesus, we can be free from temptation and deceit, and will remain in the Son and the Father.


撒旦是谎言之父,牠遍地游行寻找可吞吃的人,我们只要不住到主里,又信自己,爱自己,骄傲自高,就会受到谎言之灵,敌基督的灵攻击。Satan is the father of lies. He roams around looking for people to devour. As long as we do not remain in the Lord, put our trust in ourselves, love ourselves, and become proud and arrogant, we will be vulnerable to the spirit of lies and the spirit of the Antichrist.虽然口里承认耶稣是主,但在我们的心里没有尊主为大,不敬畏主耶稣,这样的心态无异于敌基督者的心态;Though we may confess that Jesus is the Lord, if we do not honour and fear the Lord Jesus in our hearts, our mindset is no different from that of the Antichrist.借着约翰的劝勉,立时归正,此刻就从心灵深处认定我们所相信的主耶稣,乃是那又真又活的神。Through John’s exhortation, we immediately correct ourselves and now recognise from the depths of our hearts that the Lord Jesus we believe in is the true and living God.


主圣灵啊,求主赐我们智慧的心,不再做糊涂人心里刚硬被罪恶迷惑,乃是趁着还有今日,竭力追求认识你,住到主里,与父合而为一。Lord Holy Spirit, please give us wise hearts, so that we will no longer be foolish or hardened in our hearts, and be deceived by sin. Instead, while there is still today, may we strive to know You, remain in the Lord, and be united with the Father.奉主耶稣的名并主耶稣的权柄斥责一切谎言的灵敌基督的灵对我们生命的辖制,命令一切的谎言的灵离开我们的全人全心。In the name and authority of the Lord Jesus, we rebuke all spirits of lies and the spirit of the Antichrist from controlling our lives, and command all spirits of lies to leave our whole body and heart.愿圣灵引导我们每天分别为圣,常常警醒祷告,定睛主耶稣基督的脚踪,谦卑自隐,父怎么吩咐就怎么行,进入永生的盼望。May the Holy Spirit guide us to be sanctified each day, to stay alert and pray continually, to keep our eyes fixed on the footsteps of the Lord Jesus Christ, to be humble and hidden, to do whatever the Father commands, and to enter into the hope of eternal life. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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