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【约一2:17】这世界和其上的情欲都要过去,惟独遵行神旨意的,是永远常存。【1Jo 2:17】The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.

发表于 2024-12-10

经上说,不要爱世界。世界不是神所造的吗?是的,神创造了诸世界和我们。然而亚当犯罪以后,全世界都卧在那恶者以下。The Bible says, do not love the world. Didn’t God create the world? Yes, God created the world and us. However, after Adam sinned, the whole world fell under the power of the evil one.我们被世界的价值观迷惑,顺从肉体的情欲、眼目的情欲并今生的骄傲,落在咒诅中,如同亚当一样。是耶稣来到这个世界,成为世界的光,照亮我们,拯救我们。We are deceived by the world’s values, obeying the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, and fall under the curse, just like Adam. It was Jesus who came into this world and became the light of the world, shining upon us and saving us.


主啊,我们心中充满着世界的一切,追求肉体的享受,眼睛被世界的荣华所吸引,就想要去得,以自己所拥有的和手所做的为夸耀,Lord, our hearts are filled with everything in the world. We pursue the pleasures of the flesh. Our eyes are drawn to the glory of the world, so we desire to obtain it and boast about what we have and what we have achieved.然而一个绝症、灾祸临到,一切都成空。即使得着自己想要的,内心仍然空虚、惧怕、愁苦、不满足…是的,这世界和其上的情欲都要过去,不能长存。However, when a terminal illness or disaster strikes, everything becomes meaningless. Even if we gain what we desire, our hearts remain empty, fearful, sorrowful, and unsatisfied... Yes, this world and its desires will pass away and cannot endure forever.


惟独遵行神旨意的,是永远长存。阿们!主,你来到这个世界,却不属世界,你胜过了世界。谢谢你舍命寻找拯救我们,把我们带回父家,并要把永恒的国赐给我们!Only those who do the will of God will live forever. Amen! Lord, You came into this world, but You are not of the world. You have overcome the world. Thank You for giving up Your life to find and save us, to bring us back to the Father’s house, and to give us the eternal kingdom!我不属这个世界,我是属你的!主啊,我要得着那存到永远的,惟有遵行你的旨意,住在你的里面,以我父的事为念。I do not belong to this world; I belong to You! Lord, I want to seek what lasts forever—by obeying Your will, living in You, and focusing on my Father’s business.


主,我的旧人是与神为仇的,拦阻我得福,只配得被弃绝、被否定、被钉上十字架。圣灵,你在我里面,大过世上的一切!Lord, my old self is an enemy of God, hindering me from receiving blessings and deserving only to be rejected, denied, and crucified. Holy Spirit, You are in me, greater than anything in the world!求圣灵掌管我,弃绝世界的谎言、虚假,使我因信真理,信耶稣复活的大能,竭力向己死,向世界死,向神活,得着耶稣的生命,在地上荣耀神,将来在天上得着永恒的奖赏!Please control me, help me to reject the lies and falsehoods of the world, and make me believe in the truth and the power of Jesus' resurrection. Help me to strive to die to myself, die to the world, live for God, receive the life of Jesus, glorify God on earth, and obtain eternal rewards in heaven in the future!(付传道Pastor Fu)


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