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【约壹2:14下】少年人哪,我曾写信给你们,因为你们刚强,神的道常存在你们心里,你们也胜了那恶者。 【1 John 2:14b】I write to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God lives in you, and you have overcome the evil one.

发表于 2024-12-08

少年人预表属灵的少年,他们开始从头脑的认识父里,进入真知道父,是因为舍己,顺服开始进入过属灵争战的生活。The young man represents the spiritual young man. They move from knowing the Father through mental understanding to truly knowing the Father through self-denial, obedience, and the beginning of a life of spiritual warfare. 约翰对少年人的肯定,夸赞他们刚强的原因是因为他们将神的道存在心里,就胜过了恶者。他们能成为属灵的少年人是因他们经过前面有对罪的挣扎,又看见自己那么多的罪,就不再肯顺从自己了。John affirmed the young men, praising their strength because they kept the Word of God in their hearts and overcame the evil one. They become spiritual young men because they have wrestled with sin, recognised the depth of their sinfulness, and resolved not to follow their own desires. 开始操练过内在枝子连于葡萄树的生活,时时思想神的话,思想开始以神的话为导向。They begin to practise living a life of abiding in the vine, frequently reflecting on God’s Word, allowing their thoughts to be guided by it.


他们在每天的日常生活中,操练常意识到神,以神的视角看问题的本身,求神在生活中吸引自己认出里面属自己,属私欲,属肉体的声音,In their daily lives, they practise being aware of God and viewing problems from His perspective. They ask God to draw them closer, helping them to discern the voices of self, selfish desires, and the flesh in their lives. 再好,再美,也愿意开始顺服基督的十字架,不再抓自己所抓的,愿意放手交托信靠神,认出那恶者叫自己判断的诡计,No matter how appealing or good something may appear, they are willing to obey the cross of Christ. They let go of what they cling to, trusting in God instead, recognising the schemes of the evil one that lead to judgement. 不愿意再分辨善恶,开始在寻求神旨意上,认识神的美好。这是一个争战与受苦的阶段。They stop distinguishing between good and evil on their own and begin to see the beauty of God as they seek His will. This is a stage of struggle and suffering.


主啊,我们常常羡慕那些属灵人跟你有亲密的关系,你却说懒惰人羡慕无所得。Lord, we often envy those spiritual people who have a close relationship with You, but You said that lazy people envy what others achieve. 你并不偏待人,你教导我们要有信心与所听见的道调和。在试炼中放下自己所有的权力,完全的顺服到底,回到客西马尼园的祷告,只愿你的旨意成就。You are not partial; You teach us to have faith and to align our hearts with the Word we hear. In trials, help us to lay down our own strength, obey completely to the end, and return to the prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, desiring only that Your will be done. 为那存到永恒的目标,甘心降卑顺服死己,将神的话存在心中与魔鬼争战,就可以胜过那恶者。For the sake of eternal purpose, may we willingly humble ourselves, obey even unto death, keep Your Word in our hearts, and fight against the devil to overcome the evil one.


是的,我们想灵命有所成长,与神建立更亲密的关系,又想攀登属灵的高峰,就要有属灵的见识,趁着还有今日,为认识神的旨意前行,每天积极主动的进入属灵争战。Yes, if we want to grow in our spiritual lives, establish a closer relationship with God, and ascend the spiritual heights, we must develop spiritual insight, make the most of today, press forward to know God’s will, and actively engage in spiritual battle each day. 否定自己,不凭眼见,不凭耳闻,保守自己的心在主面前,竭力操练时时回到内里主啊,你的旨意如何?Deny ourselves, do not rely on what we see or hear, but keep our hearts steadfast before the Lord. Strive to return to an inward focus on Him throughout the day: Lord, what is Your will? 思想你的脚踪,遵父为大,凡事寻求,将神的道存在心里,在争战中得胜,每天为得胜而战。Help us to reflect on Your steps, follow the Father as supreme, seek Your will in everything, keep Your Word in our hearts, prevail in the battle, and fight for victory daily.(郭姊妹 Sister Guo


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