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【约壹2:10-11】10爱弟兄的,就是住在光明中,在他并没有绊跌的缘由。11惟独恨弟兄的是在黑暗里,且在黑暗里行,也不知道往哪里去,因为黑暗叫他眼睛瞎了。【1 John2:10-11】Anyone who loves their brother and sister lives in the light, and there is nothing in them to make them stumble. But anyone who hates a brother or sister is in the darkness and walks around in the darkness. They do not know where they are going, because the darkness has blinded them.

发表于 2024-12-07

爱弟兄的就住在光明中,恨弟兄的是在黑暗里,且在黑暗里行。Whoever loves their brothers and sisters abides in the light, but whoever hates them is in darkness and walks in darkness. 光明中的人,不容易跌脚。恨使人落在黑暗中,如同瞎子一样摸索,不知道往哪里去。Those who dwell in the light shall not stumble, but hatred leads one into darkness, causing them to grope as the blind, not knowing whither they go. 爱人、恨人,带出何等不同的结局。过去我们随意地恨人,却不晓得恨所带来的可怕后果。To love or to hate brings forth vastly different outcomes. In the past, we harbored hatred recklessly, not realizing the dreadful consequences it bears. 爱人需要付上代价,却有美好的果子。Though loving others requires sacrifice, it yields the fruit of goodness.

主,求你赦免我们用自己的标准去讲理由对错,顺从心中的不高兴、不舒服去发酵,发展到黑脸、恨人、苦毒、不饶恕…Lord, forgive us for judging right and wrong by our own standards, for yielding to the discontent and discomfort in our hearts, allowing them to fester into anger, hatred, bitterness, and unforgiveness. 把自己放在受害者的位置上,一味去计算别人的恶,使我们眼瞎,看不到自己的罪,落在审判之中,We place ourselves as victims, keeping a record of others’ wrongs, blind to our own sins, and thereby falling into judgment. 与神隔绝,与人关系破裂,被魔鬼欺压,没有喜乐,没有平安…We sever our connection with You, fracture our relationships with others, and become oppressed by the enemy, losing joy and peace.

主,你的话何等真实!没有爱的仍在死中。Lord, how true are Your words! Anyone who does not love remains in death.感谢你以爱为旗,救我们出黑暗入光明。Thank You for setting Your banner of love over us and delivering us from darkness into Your marvelous light. 惟有耶稣在我们还做罪人时为我们死,这就是爱了。While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us—this is love! 是耶稣舍命的爱,牺牲的行动,叫苦水变甜,使死人复活。爱弟兄的就可以出死入生了。 The sacrificial love of Jesus, who laid down His life, turns bitter waters sweet and raises the dead to life. Whoever loves their brothers and sisters passes from death to life.人生最要紧的是彼此切实相爱,因为爱能遮掩许多的罪。The greatest calling in life is to love one another earnestly, for love covers a multitude of sins.

主,求你更深光照我的心中的不饶恕,我定意信靠你的良善公义,Lord, I pray that You shine Your light into the unforgiveness in my heart. I choose to trust in Your goodness and righteousness. 弃绝受害者的思想,我定意选择饶恕,如同你饶恕了我。I reject the mindset of being a victim and choose forgiveness, just as You have forgiven me. 主,你为我做了榜样,你先爱了我,也呼召我去爱,不是从人身上得爱,是从你这爱的源头支取爱,Lord, You have set the example by loving me first and calling me to love others—not drawing love from them, but drawing it from You, the source of all love. 使我被你的爱充满掌管,在生活中操练付出、舍己、爱人,使人认出耶稣的荣耀。Fill and rule my heart with Your love, that I may practice selflessness, forgiveness, and sacrificial love in my daily life, and that others may see the glory of Jesus through me.(付传道Pastor Fu)


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