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【约壹2:6】人若说他住在主里面,就该自己照主所行的去行。【1 John2:6】Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.

发表于 2024-12-06

约翰把不遵守神的道和遵守神的道做了祸福的对比,John compares the difference between not obeying God's way and obeying it.人若说“我认识他”,却不遵守他的命,便是说谎话的,真理也不在他心里了。凡遵守主道的,爱神的心在他里面实在是完全的……人若说他住在主里面,就该自己照主所行的去行。Whoever says, “I know Him,” but does not do what He commands is a liar, and the truth is not in that person. But if anyone obeys His word, love for God is truly made complete in them... Whoever claims to live in Him must live as Jesus did.我们的品行直接反应出我们是否是神的真门徒,在生活中的点点滴滴是否完全的顺服谦卑舍己,去爱神爱人。Our actions reflect directly whether we are true disciples of God—whether we are fully obedient, humble, and self-sacrificing in every part of our lives, and whether we love God and others.


多少属灵人给我们做了榜样,他们的所思所想所行完全是效仿耶稣基督的脚,为己无所求,为主求一切。So many spiritual people have set an example for us. Their thoughts, ideas, and actions fully follow the footsteps of Jesus Christ. They ask nothing for themselves, but everything for the Lord.把自己的生命献在祭坛前,倾倒一切燃烧自己照亮他人。如同我们的主成为一粒死了的麦子,落下来,服事人,并且舍命作多人的赎价,使我们得着这份宝贵的福音,让我们有永活的盼望。They offer their lives on the altar, pouring everything out, burning themselves to illuminate others. Just as our Lord became a seed that fell to the ground, served others, and gave His life as a ransom for many, so that we could receive this precious gospel and the hope of eternal life.


主啊,此时此刻我的心被这份真爱,不求回报,毫无保留的爱深深的感动,因着他们的顺服舍己才有了今天福音被广传。Lord, at this moment, my heart is deeply moved by this true, unreserved love. It is through the obedience and self-sacrifice of others that the gospel has spread far and wide today.主啊,如此恩典,惟有回应主呼召,成为一个住到主里面的人,来承接这份使命。行公义好怜悯存谦卑的心与我们的主同行,每天为荣耀神而活。Lord, with such grace, we can only respond to Your call and live as those who are in the Lord, fulfilling the mission You have given us. We want to act justly, be merciful, walk humbly with You, and live for Your glory every day.


是的,仅此一生,不求别的,只求更多的与主更亲,浸泡在主的爱里,爱主所爱,恨主所恨。每天以圣洁的妆饰为衣,甘心牺牲自己回报这份恩情,也能用生命去影响生命。Yes, in this life, I ask for nothing else but to be closer to You, to soak in Your love, to love what You love, and hate what You hate. Every day, I wear holiness as my clothing, willingly sacrificing myself to repay this grace, and I pray that I may also use my life to influence others.耶稣基督、保罗、施洗约翰……都是为己无所求的,成为我们效法的榜样。Jesus Christ, Paul, John the Baptist... all asked nothing for themselves and became our role models.主啊,就在这一刻,我们愿意完全的顺服,完全的降服,在任何时候死就死吧,只愿你的旨意成就,愿你复兴你的国度,愿你的旨意行在地上如同行在天上。Lord, in this moment, we are willing to obey completely, surrender fully, and be ready to die at any time. I only hope that Your will be done, that Your kingdom will be revived, and that Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. (姊妹Sister Guo)


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