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【约一2:2】他为我们的罪作了挽回祭,不是单为我们的罪,也是为普天下人的罪。【1Jo 2:2】He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.

发表于 2024-12-04

我们能来天父面前,是因耶稣为我们的罪作了挽回祭,他是我们的中保。在十字架上,耶稣担当我们罪的刑罚,平息了神的愤怒,我们得以与父和好,成为神家里的人。We can come to our Heavenly Father because Jesus was the propitiation for our sins, and He is our mediator. On the cross, Jesus bore the penalty for our sins, appeased Gods wrath, and we were reconciled to the Father, becoming members of Gods family.这救恩不仅是给我们的,也是给普天下人的。纵然人会拒绝、不信,耶稣仍然为全人类的罪舍命,忍耐等候人回转。This salvation is not only for us but also for everyone in the world. Even though people may reject and not believe, Jesus still laid down His life for the sins of all humankind and patiently waits for people to turn back to Him.


神爱世人,甚至将他的独生儿子赐给他们,叫一切信他的不至恶灭亡,反得永生。For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.神对罪是那么的恨恶,甚至掩面不顾十字架上的耶稣。神对罪人的爱又是那么的长阔高深,甚至舍了独生儿子来拯救罪人。主,你的救恩是给万国万民的,你不愿一人沉沦,乃愿人人悔改归向你。God hates sin so much that He even hid His face from Jesus on the cross. Gods love for sinners is so long, wide, and deep that He even gave up His only Son to save sinners. Lord, Your salvation is for all nations and peoples. You do not want anyone to perish; You want everyone to repent and turn to You.


主啊,你指正罪恶,却替罪人担罪。你不愿我们落在罪的咒诅中,不愿我们死亡。因着爱,我们被你救赎回来。Lord, You correct sin but bear the sin of the sinner. You do not want us to fall under the curse of sin and die. Because of love, we are redeemed by You. Please forgive me.求你赦免我,自己得了赦免,却抓着别人的恶不放,成为人归向你的拦阻。世人如何得以认识你呢?岂不是借着我们这些信你的人,活出你的爱和饶恕,使人看到你的荣美吗?Please forgive me. I have been forgiven myself, yet I hold on to the wrongs of others and become an obstacle for them to return to You. How can the world know You? Isnt it through those of us who believe in You, living out Your love and forgiveness, so that others may see Your beauty?


是的,主啊,我们都是卖给罪的人,你先拯救了我们,为要使用我们往普天下去见证你的救恩!主啊,带领我牢牢记住自己的本相,时时感恩你的赦免和拯救,Yes, Lord, we are all sold into sin. You saved us first in order to use us to witness Your salvation throughout the world! Lord, lead me to remember who I am and to always be grateful for Your forgiveness and salvation.使我恨恶并离弃自己的罪,以你的心为心,爱你所爱的,将爱传递给身边的家人、朋友,向他们作见证, 使更多人也来归向你。Help me to hate and forsake my sins, to take Your heart as my heart, to love what You love, and to share Your love with those around me. May I witness to my family and friends, so that more people may come to You.付传道Pastor Fu


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