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【雅5:16】所以你们要彼此认罪,互相代求,使你们可以得医治。义人祈祷所发的力量是大有功效的。【James5:16】Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

发表于 2024-11-29

义人祈祷所发的力量是大有功效的。为什么我们的祷告,好像没有功效?The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. Why do our prayers often seem ineffective? 我们在地位上因信称义,神又说,行义的才是义人。By faith, we are justified before God, but the Lord also declares, “The one who practices righteousness is righteous.”神不听罪人的祈祷,惟有敬奉神,遵行祂旨意的,神才听他。God does not listen to the prayers of sinners, but He hears those who worship Him and do His will. 因此我们需要彼此认罪,互相代求,使我们可以脱离灵的软弱,得着医治,得着属天的能力。Therefore, we must confess our sins to one another and intercede for each other, so we may overcome spiritual weakness, receive healing, and be empowered with heavenly strength.

以利亚跟我们是一样性情的人,Elijah was a man with a nature like ours. 但当他照着神的心意恳切祷告,为着百姓能悔改归向神,求不要下雨,雨就三年零六个月不下在地上。Yet, when he earnestly prayed according to God’s will—for the repentance and return of His people—and asked that it would not rain, the heavens were closed, and no rain fell on the land for three and a half years. 神听了以利亚的祷告,神不偏待人。God answered Elijah’s prayer because God shows no partiality. 我们若有以利亚的心志,恨恶罪恶,行以利亚所行的,爱神所爱的,神也使我们的祷告发出大有功效的力量。If we have Elijah’s resolve, hating sin, doing what Elijah did, and loving what God loves, He will also empower our prayers to be effective and full of divine strength.

主,求你赦免我,多少时候,照着自己的意思祈求,只想让神帮我解决问题、医治疾病、得地上的好处…Lord, forgive me. How often have I prayed according to my own desires, seeking only for You to solve my problems, heal my sickness, or grant me earthly blessings? 对身边的肢体表面和平,心中却藏着不满、论断、争竞、嫉妒、不服…结果就是被罪欺压。Meanwhile, I maintain outward peace with those around me but harbor discontent, judgment, strife, jealousy, and pride in my heart. The result is being oppressed by sin. 因我们的罪,使神掩面不听我们的呼求。Because of our sins, You hide Your face and do not hear our cries. 主,谢谢你成为我们的挽回祭,使我们可以回转。Lord, thank You for becoming our atoning sacrifice, enabling us to turn back to You.

主啊,光照我的心,还有什么不饶恕,使我不仅向神悔改,更是与身边的肢体,彼此认罪,Lord, search my heart. Is there any unforgiveness in me? Lead me not only to repent before You but also to confess my faults to those around me. 互相代求,彼此和好,彼此祝福,让耶稣的公义圣洁在我们心中掌权,Help us to intercede for one another, be reconciled, bless one another, and allow the righteousness and holiness of Jesus to reign in our hearts. 使我们的祷告没有拦阻,使我们可以为着万国万民,发出满有信心,大有能力和功效的祈祷,看到神国复兴的降临。Let nothing hinder our prayers, that we may pray with faith, power, and effectiveness for all nations and peoples, and witness the revival of Your Kingdom coming to earth.(付传道 Pastor Fu)


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