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【雅4:16】现今你们竟以张狂夸口;凡这样夸口都是恶的。【James4:16 】As it is, you boast in your arrogant schemes. All such boasting is evil.

发表于 2024-11-28

各再次对信徒表明人生的主权,神才是掌管我们生命的主。当人因骄傲忘本,便张狂夸口,我的人生我做主,凡这样夸口的都是恶的。James once again reminded believers of the sovereignty of life, affirming that God is the Lord who controls our lives. When people forget their origins due to pride, they arrogantly boast, claiming to be the masters of their own lives. Anyone who boasts in this way is evil.意外和明天哪一个先来,谁能知道呢?一个灾难临到,多少人失丧生命,一切的计划成为泡影。Who can know what will come first—an accident or tomorrow? When disaster strikes, how many people lose their lives, and all plans become nothing but vapor?所以,不要为明日自夸,因为一日要生何事,我们尚且不能知道。Therefore, we are reminded not to boast about tomorrow, because we do not know what a day may bring.


我们的生命何等渺小,就像一片云雾,出现少时就不见了。但我们总是缺乏对自己的认知,忘了自己是受造之物,我们的一切,生命气息、智慧才能都属神所赐。How small our lives are, like a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Yet, we often lack self-awareness, forgetting that we are creatures, and that everything we have—including our life, breath, wisdom, and talents—is a gift from God.当人生得意时,就忘了这位生命的主,偷窃神的荣耀,作恶,竟以张狂夸口,高举自己的名。以为自己可以掌控一切,岂晓得,下一秒我们是否在都未知。When we become proud in life, we forget the Lord who gives us life, steal His glory, do evil, and boast arrogantly, exalting our own name. We deceive ourselves into thinking we can control everything, unaware that we may not even be here in the next moment.希律王不将荣耀归于神,主的使者立刻罚他,他被虫所咬,气就断了。King Herod did not give glory to God, and the angel of the Lord struck him down. He was eaten by worms and died.


主啊,求主赦免我们的罪,信了你却没有将我们的心尊主为大,凡事尊你的旨意行。Lord, please forgive us for our sins. We have believed in You, but we have not magnified Your name in our hearts or obeyed Your will in all things.常常张狂自夸,计划着今天、明天,我要做什么,花多少时间达到我想要的目的,为着地上次好的劳力,追求属地的虚荣、名利,钱财、尊重、好评…We often boast and plan what we will do today and tomorrow, how much time we will spend achieving our goals, and how we labour for the second-best pursuits of this world—chasing after earthly vanity, fame, money, respect, and praise.神却说:“无知的人哪,今夜必要你的灵魂;你所预备的要归谁呢?” But God says, You fool, this very night your soul will be required of you; and then what will become of what you have prepared?


是的,我们需要何等谦卑在造物主面前,用心灵和诚实来敬拜祂。祂是掌管万有的主宰,祂若愿意,我们就可以活着,也可以作这事或作那事。Yes, how humble we need to be before the Creator, worshiping Him with our hearts and in truth. He is the master of all things. If He wills, we will live and accomplish this or that.主啊,我们的生命不再属于我们自己,乃是为主而活。我们立志要专心仰望倚靠你,否定自己,认定你的旨意,完全顺服到底,成就你在我们生命中的每一个计划,荣耀你的圣名。Lord, our lives no longer belong to us, but to You. We are determined to look to You, to rely on You, to deny ourselves, to align our will with Yours, to obey You completely to the end, to fulfil every plan You have for our lives, and to glorify Your holy name. (姊妹Sister Guo)


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