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【雅4:12】设立律法和判断人的,只有一位,就是那能救人也能灭人的。你是谁,竟敢论断别人呢?【James4:12】There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you—who are you to judge your neighbor?

发表于 2024-11-26

雅各教导我们,务要在主面前自卑,知道自己的是谁?主是谁?James teaches us to humble ourselves before the Lord, to understand who we are and who the Lord is.回到自己受造的本位,听命于神,顺服神一切的带领,学习基督的品格。真知道自己只不过是人不是神,岂知好知呢?We should return to our original position of creation, obey God, submit to His guidance in all things, and learn the character of Christ. If we truly know that we are only human and not God, how can we possibly distinguish between good and evil?雅各再次声明,设立律法和判断人的,只有一位,就是那能救人也能灭人的。你是谁,竟敢论断别人呢?James reminds us that there is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you—who are you to judge your neighbor?


是的,别人如何,与我何干?我是谁?竟敢论断别人呢?我是罪人蒙恩,是神用重价宝血买赎回来的,是被神怜悯拯救回来的,我并没有资格去评判任何人。Yes, what does it matter to me how others behave? Who am I to judge anyone? I am a sinner who has received grace, redeemed by God's precious blood, and saved by His mercy. I am not qualified to judge anyone.我乃是要跟从神,否定自己,靠主爱小子里最小的一个,换位思考,体恤人的软弱,时时遵行爱神爱人的命令,I want to follow God, deny myself, rely on the Lord to love the least of His children, put myself in others' shoes, sympathise with their weaknesses, and always obey the command to love God and love others.种什么就收什么,因为神是能救人也能灭人的神。What we sow is what we reap, because God is the one who is able to save and destroy.


主啊,你是掌管宇宙万物的主,你监察人心肺腑心肠,Lord, You are the One who controls all things in the universe. You search the hearts and minds of all people.你宁可万人得救不愿一人沉沦,不惜付上一切代价把神的百姓从罪恶中拯救出来,我们因此而得救,脱离咒诅进入祝福。You desire that all people be saved and none should perish. You spared no expense in saving Your people from sins. We are saved, have escaped the curse, and entered into blessing.因被恩感,愿意白白的得来就白白的给出去,把爱活在伤口,让自己成为一个爱的管道,与主同工,生命影响生命。Because of grace, we are willing to give freely what we have freely received, to live out love in our wounds, to become channels of love, to work with You, and to let life affect life.


律法的总纲是爱神爱人,爱人如己。The summary of the law is to love God and love our neighbor, loving them as ourselves.论断和不饶恕是最倒霉的事,论断是自己做神,脚踢刺是难的,惟有神才是律法的设立者和审判者,阿们!Judging and unforgiving hearts are among the greatest misfortunes. To judge is to take the place of God. It is hard to kick against the goads. Only God is the Creator and Judge of the law. Amen!是的,我是谁,竟敢论断别人呢?求主圣灵时时提醒我,不可忘记自己的本相,自己如何被怜悯,也要如此怜悯和我一样软弱的人。Yes, who am I to judge my neighbor? May the Holy Spirit continually remind me not to forget my true self—how I have been shown mercy—and how I should also be merciful to those as weak as I am.效仿神凡事谦虚、温柔、忍耐,用爱心彼此包容,竭力保守圣灵所赐合而为一的心,同心奔赴神的大使命,建立主的教会。Be imitate God and be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love, and making every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit.Together, may we work toward God’s great mission and build the Lord’s church. (姊妹Sister Guo)


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