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【雅4:8】你们亲近神,神就必亲近你们。有罪的人哪,要洁净你们的手;心怀二意的人哪,要清洁你们的心。【Jam 4:8】Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

发表于 2024-11-25

阿们,我们亲近神,神就必亲近我们。至高的神,从天上的宝座降卑为人,为要与我们同住。然而神是圣洁的,光明与黑暗不能相交,圣洁的神不能与罪恶同居。Amen. If we draw near to God, God will draw near to us. The Most High God descended from His throne in heaven to become a human being in order to dwell with us. However, God is holy; light and darkness cannot mix, and a holy God cannot coexist with sin.人非圣洁,就不能见神的面。我们靠着自己的手,做再多的好事,也不能除去罪,永远无法站立在圣洁的神面前。Without holiness, one cannot see the face of God. No matter how many good deeds we perform by our own hands, we can never rid ourselves of sin, and we will never be able to stand before a holy God.


感谢耶稣在十字架上担当了我们的罪,因着耶稣的宝血,我们可以与天父亲近。今天我们已经是神家里的儿女,是否我们只在有需要的时候才来寻找天父呢?Thank you that Jesus bore our sins on the cross. Because of the precious blood of Jesus, we can draw near to our Heavenly Father. Today, we are already children in Gods family. Do we seek our Heavenly Father only when we are in need?为什么有时跟我们的天父隔得很远?雅各告诉我们,是因为罪的拦阻。有罪的人,要洁净自己的手;心怀二意的人,要清洁自己的心。Why are we sometimes so distant from Him? James tells us that it is because of the hindrance of sin. The sinful person must cleanse their hands, and the double-minded person must purify their heart.


心怀二意的人不要想从祂那里得什么。一个人能事奉两个主。人若爱世界,爱父的心就不在他里面了。怎样才能洁净我的心和手呢?Let not the double-minded expect to receive anything from Him. No one can serve two masters. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in them. How can I cleanse my heart and hands? 感谢主,籍着信,靠着圣灵,顺从真理可以洁净我们的心,使我们带出没有虚假的,从心里彼此相爱的行动。主啊,我的心要归向你,求你光照洁净…Thank the Lord that, through faith and reliance on the Holy Spirit, obedience to the truth can purify our hearts and enable us to act without falsehood and to love one another sincerely from the heart. Lord, my heart turns to You; please illuminate and purify me...


主啊,我需要你,吸引我的心每天分别时间来读经、祷告、默想;帮助我在做事时,心里也殷勤呼求你,亲近你;Lord, I need You to draw my heart to set aside time each day to read the Bible, pray, and reflect. Help me to diligently call on You in my heart while going about my day and draw closer to You.求你真理的光显明并除去我心中的懒惰、不信、自义、诡诈、自欺…使我因信真道,否定自己,思想你舍命的大爱,被圣灵感动,成为圣洁,得着从神来的爱和能力,去行爱神爱人的道。Please reveal the light of Your truth and remove the laziness in my heart, unbelief, self-righteousness, deceit, and self-deception. May I deny myself by believing in the true way, reflect on Your great love and ultimate sacrifice, be moved by the Holy Spirit, become holy, receive love and power from You, and walk the path of loving God and loving others.付传道Pastor Fu


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