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【雅3:2】原来我们在许多事上都有过失;若有人在话语上没有过失,他就是完全人,也能勒住自己的全身。【Jam 3:2】We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to keep his whole body in check.

发表于 2024-11-20

是的,我们是罪人蒙恩,在许多事上都有过失。在我们追求成为完全人的路上,雅各告诉我们,要从对付口舌开始。若有人在话语上没有过失,就是完全人,也能勒住自己的全身。Yes, we are sinners by grace and guilty of many things. In our pursuit of becoming perfect people, James tells us to begin by dealing with our tongue. If anyone is blameless in their words, they are a perfect person and can control their whole body.世人说,言多必失,祸从口出…正如雅各所说,舌头在百体中最小,却能说大话。舌头是个罪恶的世界,能污秽全身…The world says, "Too many words lead to misfortune, and disaster comes from the mouth... As James said, the tongue is the smallest of all the body parts, but it can speak great words." The tongue is a world of sin that can defile the whole body...


有人说,那我不要说话了。嘴里不说,心里仍然止不住地论断、苦毒、不服、嫉妒…经上说,心里充满的,嘴里就说出来。Some people say, "Then I wont speak." However, even if the mouth does not speak, the heart can still be full of judgment, bitterness, dissatisfaction, and jealousy. The Bible says that out of the fullness of the heart, the mouth speaks.神要凭我们口中的话定我们的罪,也要凭我们的话定我们为义。我们的口当来颂赞神,终日述说祂的公义和救恩。每一天我们舌头上的话,有多少被圣灵引导,使神得荣耀呢?God will condemn us by the words of our mouths, and He will also judge us by our words. Our lips should praise God and speak of His righteousness and salvation all day long. How many of the words on our tongues each day are guided by the Holy Spirit to glorify God?


大卫说,愿我口中的言语,心里的意念,在你面前蒙悦纳。我们口中的话语是有权柄能力的。David said, "Let the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart be acceptable in your sight." The words from our mouths have authority and power.主,求你赦免我,多少时候,没有谨守口舌,没有勒住自己的心,随从自己的眼见耳闻判断善恶,嘴巴不停地抱怨、论断、争辩,做出不信、负面的宣告,被自己嘴巴的话缠住,落在仇敌的欺压之中。Lord, please forgive me. How many times have I failed to guard my tongue or restrain my heart? I have followed my own eyes and ears in judging good and evil. I have constantly complained, judged, and argued. I have made unbelieving and negative statements. I have been criticised. The words of my mouth have become entangled, and I have fallen under the oppression of the enemy.


主,求你的宝血洁净我的口舌和心思意念,我的心要回转归给你。求圣灵引导我,因信你的话,用真理来教训自己,求圣灵光照除去我内心深处的诡诈、自义、骄傲…Lord, please cleanse my tongue, mind, and heart with your precious blood, so that my heart may return to you. I ask the Holy Spirit to guide me and teach me the truth by believing in your words. I pray the Holy Spirit will enlighten me and remove the deceit, self-righteousness, and pride deep within my heart.使我否定自己,举起基督,让基督在我心中作王掌权,操练凡事感恩赞美,顺服真理,追求成为完全人,成为身边人的祝福。Help me to deny myself, lift up Christ, and let Christ reign in my heart. Teach me to practise giving thanks and praise in everything, to obey the truth, to pursue becoming a perfect person, and to be a blessing to those around me.付传道Pastor Fu


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