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【雅2:22】可见信心是与他的行为并行,而且信心因着行为才得成全。【 James2:22】 You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did.

发表于 2024-11-19

神的话就是灵就是生命。The Word of God is spirit and life.雅各被圣灵感动所写的话就是把我们带入属灵的高度,如何靠着信心的行为活出真实属天的生命,有基督丰盛生命的品格,爱人如己,吸引人来认识这位伟大的救主。The words written by James under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit elevate us to a spiritual height, teaching us how to live a genuine heavenly life through acts of faith, exhibiting the abundant character of Christ, loving others as ourselves, and drawing people to know this great Saviour.我们常常说想看见神迹,真正的神迹,就是我们生命被改变,被基督掌权的生命才是真正的神迹。惟有因着信心,完全的顺服,并顺服到底生命才得完全。We often say we want to see miracles, but the true miracle is a life transformed and surrendered to Christ’s lordship. Only through faith, complete obedience, and perseverance to the end can our lives be made perfect.


信是所望之事的实底,是未见之事的确据。Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.神应许亚伯拉罕的子孙会多如天上的星和地上的沙。亚伯拉罕因着信,带出信心的行为,他毫无保留的就把以撒献上。God promised Abraham that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore. By faith, Abraham acted, demonstrating his belief through works. Without hesitation, he offered Isaac as a sacrifice.神就对他说:“亚伯拉罕,我现在知道你真的是信我,因为你没有把你的儿子,就是你独生的儿子以撒留下不给我。”因着他信神就算为他的义,也得称为神的朋友。God said to him, “Abraham, now I know that you truly believe in Me because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son.” Because of his faith, God counted it as righteousness, and he was called a friend of God.


主啊,求你赦免我信主多年,却停留在喜欢听道而行道的层面上,生命没有突破,身边的人也看不出我信了耶稣后的改变。Lord, forgive me for believing in You for so many years yet remaining at the level of merely listening to Your Word without putting it into practice. My life has lacked breakthrough, and those around me cannot see the transformation that should accompany my faith in Jesus.原来信心没有行为是死的,我说爱你,信你,却不愿意在生活中否定自己,放下自己的权力,不尊你为大,就是我的罪了。Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. When I say I love You and trust You but refuse to deny myself in daily life, surrender my rights, or honour You above all, that is my sin.此时,我愿意转道,悔改,操练听道、行道,爱人如己,不凭眼见不凭耳闻,单单以敬畏我的神为乐,信心因着行为才得成全。Now, I am willing to turn back, repent, and practise being both a hearer and doer of the Word, loving others as myself, and not judging by appearances or hearsay. Instead, I will take joy in fearing my God, for faith is made perfect through works.


至高的主,因信而顺服,为我们的罪舍命在十字架上,救我们不救自己,为要我们承接这样舍己的爱,前赴后继,有更多人被兴起为主所用。O Sovereign Lord, You demonstrated faith through obedience by laying down Your life on the cross for our sins, saving us but not Yourself, so that we may inherit this selfless love and carry it forward.多少属灵伟人也为我们做了榜样,带出信心的行为,为福音不看自己的性命为宝贵,把神的道实践出来,让我们蒙了这恩典。Many spiritual giants have set an example for us, showing faith in action. For the sake of the gospel, they did not consider their lives precious, but lived out Gods Word, and through their example, we have received grace.是的,我们不可徒受神的恩典。因被恩感每天操练爱人如己,感化身边的人来认识耶稣。一代又一代,因信而行,结出福音的果子荣耀神。Indeed, we must not receive God’s grace in vain. Inspired by grace, we practise loving others as ourselves daily, influencing those around us to know Jesus. Generation after generation, by faith and action, we bear the fruit of the gospel and glorify God. (姊妹Sister Guo)


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