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【雅2:13】因为那不怜悯人的,也要受无怜悯的审判,怜悯原是向审判夸胜。【Jam 2: 13 】because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment! (Faith and Deeds )

发表于 2024-11-18

怜悯是神的属性,祂有怜悯,有恩典,不轻易发怒。怜悯原是向审判夸胜。照我们的本相,只配得被审判,被咒诅,永远沉沦。Mercy is an attribute of God. He is merciful, gracious, and slow to anger. Mercy triumphs over judgment. As we are, we deserve only judgment, curses, and eternal destruction.因着神无限的怜悯,差遣耶稣做我们的挽回祭,我们罪得赦免,被拯救。神不愿我们受审判,乃愿我们成为怜悯和爱的管道,得赏赐,得祝福。Yet, because of Gods infinite mercy, He sent Jesus to be our propitiation, so that our sins may be forgiven and we can be saved. God does not desire our condemnation but calls us to be channels of His mercy and love, that we might receive His rewards and blessings.


我们的天然人,喜欢审判人,定人的罪,却不能怜悯罪人,更做不到爱仇敌,为仇敌舍命。当我们自己犯罪跌倒时,会在圣洁公义的神面前祈求:Our natural selves are inclined to judge and condemn others, unable to extend mercy to sinners, let alone love our enemies or lay down our lives for them. Yet, when we sin and fall, we come before the holy and righteous God, praying:主啊,赦免饶恕我,怜悯我,怜悯我…我们不至消灭,是出于耶和华诸般的慈爱,是因神的怜悯不致断绝。我们这样蒙怜悯,也当这样怜悯我们的同伴。Lord, forgive me, have mercy on me… It is because of the Lord's boundless love that we are not destroyed, and because of His mercy that we are not cut off. Just as we have received mercy, so too should we show mercy to those around us.


然而我们是何等忘恩,转身就讲理由,讲对错,抓着别人的恶不放。主,求你赦免我,忘了自己的本相,忘了主怎么饶恕我,担当我的罪,为我舍命;Yet, we are so ungrateful. We turn around, make excuses, talk about right and wrong, and hold tightly to the faults of others. Lord, please forgive me. I have forgotten my own true nature and how You forgave me, bore my sins, and laid down Your life for me.常常自以为义地拿着律法的大棒子去定人的罪,无怜悯待人,自己也落在罪恶之中,被真理审判!因为不怜悯人的,也要受无怜悯的审判。Too often, I self-righteously wield the big stick of the law to condemn others, showing no mercy. But in treating others this way, I also risk falling into sin and facing judgment according to the truth! For those who show no mercy will themselves be judged without mercy.


主啊,我一生需要仰望你的怜悯。我的心不可忘记神的恩惠,何等无望的罪人,被主拣选拯救,并要被训练成为神的儿子,承受产业。怜悯不是凭自己做烂好人。Lord, I need to look to You for mercy in my life. May my heart never forget Your grace. What a hopeless sinner I once was, yet You chose me, saved me, and are shaping me to become a child of God, an heir to Your inheritance. Compassion is not about compromising with evil but about reflecting Your heart.主啊,求你的爱充满我,使我行公义,恨恶自己的罪,怜悯、饶恕、接纳身边的人,存谦卑的心与你同行,用爱胜过罪恶,用爱夺得失丧的灵魂。Lord, please fill me with Your love. Enable me to act justly, despise my own sins, and show mercy, forgiveness, and acceptance to those around me. Help me to walk humbly with You, overcome sin with love, and win souls with grace.付传道Pastor Fu


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