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【雅2:10】因为凡遵守全律法的,只在一条上跌倒,他就是犯了众条。【‪Jam2:10】For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.‬‬

发表于 2024-11-17

当信徒进入得胜者的呼召,雅各告诉我们想进入得胜,就得按照神的律法来行事为人。若我们只在一条上跌倒,我们就是犯了众条。When believers enter the call of overcomers, James tells us that if we want to walk in victory, we must act according to God's law. If we stumble at just one point, we have broken all the laws.神是圣洁的,我们也要成为圣洁,存忌邪的心,爱神所爱,恨神所恨,凡事以神为中心,单单讨祂的喜悦。保守自己的心思意念,行事为人彰显耶稣基督祂的品格。God is holy, and we must also be holy—having a zealous heart, loving what God loves, hating what God hates, centring on Him in everything, and seeking only to please Him. We must guard our thoughts and intentions, acting to reflect the character of Jesus Christ.


我们会说:“在一条上跌倒,就犯了众条。这太难了,怎么可能做到呢?”是的,我们靠自己做不到,所以,祂来了,为我们的罪付上赎价。We might say, "If stumbling at just one point means breaking all the laws, this is too difficult—how can I possibly do it?" The truth is, we cannot do it on our own. That is why He came and paid the ransom for our sins.祂把爱活在伤口,担当了我们的过犯罪恶,因祂受鞭伤我们得医治,因祂受刑罚我们得平安。He lived out love through His wounds, bearing our transgressions and sins. By His wounds we are healed; and the punishment that brought us peace was on Him.我们蒙了这恩,白白得来白白舍去,学习换位思考,爱人如己,不以外貌待人,嫌贫爱富,乃是以神的标准来衡量自己,而不去衡量别人,把爱实践出来。We have received this grace freely, and we are called to give it freely. We learn to put ourselves in others’ shoes, to love others as we love ourselves, not judging by outward appearances, nor showing favouritism to the rich while despising the poor. Instead, we measure ourselves by God's standards, not by comparing ourselves with others, and we strive to put love into action.


行义的才是义人,犯了一条就与神义的生命无份了。Only those who do righteousness are righteous. If we commit even one sin, we are cut off from sharing in God’s righteous life.主啊,求你赦免我的忘恩作恶,吃了分辨善恶树的果子,随便犯罪,轻忽这份救恩,Lord, please forgive my ingratitude and wrongdoing—the times I have eaten the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, sinned carelessly, neglected salvation, and despised the price You paid for my life.藐视你所付上舍命的代价,误会你,拒绝你,让你圣灵担忧,你为我的罪时常忧痛哭泣,为我昼夜代求。Forgive me for misunderstanding and rejecting You, and for grieving Your Holy Spirit. You often weep for my sins and intercede for me day and night.你设立的全备律法不是为了让我们为难,而是要我们进入得胜,你是何等愿意领许多儿子进到荣耀里。The perfect law You established is not to shame us but to lead us into victory. How eager You are to bring many sons and daughters to glory.


主啊,你自己为我们做了榜样,凡事遵行天父的命令,用牺牲的爱战胜了一切,从死里复活,让我们有了这永活的盼望。Lord, You set an example for us by obeying the Father in everything, overcoming through sacrificial love, and rising from the dead so that we may have eternal hope.你用生命告诉我们,神看人不看外貌乃是看内心。主啊,我的心要归向你,凡事以耶稣的心为心,怜悯是向审判夸胜,爱人如己可以使我们得真自由。Your life teaches us that God looks not at outward appearances but at the heart. Lord, I turn my heart to You, seeking to have the heart of Jesus in all things. Mercy triumphs over judgement, and loving others as ourselves sets us truly free.是的,在基督里没有高低贵贱,你爱每一个灵魂,因为他们身上都有你的灵。因爱活出喜乐感恩的生命,进入神的国。Yes, there is no hierarchy in Christ. You love every soul because each one bears Your Spirit. May we live joyful and grateful lives, rooted in love, and enter the kingdom of God. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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