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【雅2:5】我亲爱的弟兄们,请听!神岂不是拣选了世上的贫穷人,叫他们在信上富足,并承受他所应许给那些爱他之人的国吗?【James2:5 】Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?

发表于 2024-11-15

说到贫穷富足,我们想到的是地上的财富。人会以外貌待人,高看富人,藐视穷人。When we speak of poverty and riches, we often think of material wealth. People tend to judge others by their appearance, favoring the rich while looking down on the poor.  雅各劝勉信奉耶稣的人不可如此偏心待人。However, James exhorts believers in Jesus not to show such partiality. 自亚当犯罪以后,人都落在灵里贫穷,与神隔绝的咒诅之下。Since Adam’s sin, humanity has fallen into spiritual poverty, under the curse of separation from God. 主耶稣原本富足,却为我们成为贫穷,担当我们的咒诅,为让我们在信上富足,并得着祂所应许的国。 Yet, Jesus Christ, who was rich, became poor for our sake. He bore our curse so that through faith, we might become spiritually rich and inherit the kingdom He has promised.

神怜悯穷人,不丢弃贫穷人。God has compassion for the poor and does not abandon the needy. 耶稣撇下万有,出生在马槽,在地上没有枕头的地方,死在十字架上,葬在他人的坟墓里…Jesus left all He had, was born in a manger, had no place to lay His head, died on a cross, and was buried in a borrowed tomb……人所看重的,耶稣都没有。All that the world esteems, Jesus lacked. 可是耶稣满有神的同在、能力、智慧、权柄、荣耀…是真正的富足。Yet, He was full of God’s presence, power, wisdom, authority, and glory—true riches. 祂要把祂的国,祂一切的丰盛,赐给信靠祂,爱祂的人!这是何等伟大的应许!He desires to give His kingdom and all its abundance to those who trust and love Him. What a glorious promise!

主,求你赦免我贪图地上短暂的钱财、物质、好处,以外貌断定别人和自己的贫富,却忘了自己的身份。Lord, forgive me for craving temporary earthly wealth and benefits, for judging others and myself based on outward appearances of poverty or riches, while forgetting my true identity. 今天荣耀的救主住在我们里面,我们是天上的国民,是尊大的王子。Today, the glorious Savior lives within us, and we are citizens of heaven, royal children of the King. 我们若遵行神的命令,地上一切所需,必不致缺乏。If we obey God’s commands, we will lack nothing we truly need. 主所应许的国,才是我们竭尽全力,撇下一切所有,要去得着的。The kingdom You have promised is the treasure we must pursue with all our heart, forsaking everything else to obtain it.

主,感谢你倾倒生命,使我们成为富足。借着你的话,求圣灵释放信心在我的里面,Lord, thank You for pouring out Your life to make us rich. Through Your Word, I pray that the Holy Spirit would release faith within me. 奉主耶稣的名破除我里面一切的判断善恶、贫穷、贪婪、恐惧、羞耻…的辖制和捆绑,In the name of Jesus, I break every stronghold and bondage of judgment, poverty, greed, fear, and shame within me. 真知道我所信的是谁, 你的国是何等荣耀有盼望,Help me truly know the One I believe in and the glorious hope of Your kingdom. 使我在地上专心爱你,爱你所爱,在地上经历并见证你国的丰富和荣耀。May I love You wholeheartedly, love those You love, and witness the richness and glory of Your kingdom here on earth.(付传道 Pastor Fu)


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