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【雅1:19下-20】19但你们各人要快快的听,慢慢的说,慢慢的动怒,20因为人的怒气并不成就神的义。【Jam 1: 19 b -20 】Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.

发表于 2024-11-13

每一个人都曾生气发怒。信主后,胜过怒气也是我们每一天要面对的争战。很多时候,我们未曾听完别人的话,已经大大发怒了,结果却发现是自己太着急,自己去判断,而显出愚昧。Everyone feels angry from time to time. After coming to faith in the Lord, overcoming anger is a daily battle we face. Often, we find ourselves becoming very angry before fully listening to what others have to say, only to realise weve been too hasty and made our own judgments, which leaves us looking foolish.神借着雅各告诉我们,要快快地听,不要急于说话,不要急于发怒。因为人不能在怒气中彰显神的义。God, through James, tells us to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger, as human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.


不少父母说:好好说话,孩子就是不听,非得我生气发怒,孩子才会听!于是天天生气、抓狂、发,肾上腺激素大量分泌,血压升高,人际关系也破裂。Many parents say, “If I speak calmly, my children won’t listen. Only when I get angry do they pay attention!” As a result, I end up angry, frantic, and furious every day. My adrenaline spikes, my blood pressure rises, and my relationships suffer.信主后,我们知道生气不可犯罪,不可给魔鬼留地步。开始靠自己忍一忍,环境变得更糟糕时,于是忍无可忍,怒气更大地发泄出来…After coming to faith, I know that I mustnt let anger lead me to sin or give the devil a foothold. I tried to hold it in on my own, but when situations worsened, I found myself unable to contain it and ended up venting my anger even more…


什么事情最容易触动我们的怒气?或许身边的人做错事,或是孩子不听自己的话,或是预期落空,或是遇到冤枉委屈…求主光照我的坚固营垒…What are the things that most easily trigger our anger? Perhaps its when those around us make mistakes, when children dont listen, when our expectations are let down, or when we feel unfairly treated. I ask the Lord to reveal my strongholds…正要发怒说话时,慢下来,停住,回到心里祷告:主啊,我的心为什么这么翻腾?耶稣的心是怎样的?耶稣是爱,没有对我发怒,却甘心为我的罪舍命…When I am about to speak in anger, I slow down, pause, and turn back to pray in my heart: Lord, why is my heart so unsettled? What is the heart of Jesus? Jesus is love; He doesnt get angry with me but was willing to die for my sins…


经上说,人有见识,就不轻易发怒!顺从发怒,正中了仇敌的诡计!The Bible says, "A man with knowledge is slow to anger!" Giving in to anger plays right into the enemys scheme! 这一刻我要止住怒气,不叫苦毒、恼怒、仇恨的灵来辖制我,却要靠着圣灵治服己心,向旧人和旧人的怒气死,向神活,接受耶稣的饶恕去饶恕人。In this moment, I want to stop my anger and not let the spirit of bitterness, anger, or hatred take control. Instead, I rely on the Holy Spirit to guide my heart, put to death the anger of my old self, live for God, and embrace the forgiveness Jesus has given.求主的爱充满我们,操练爱神爱人,在爱里胜过怒气,活出平安喜乐的生命,荣耀主名。May the Lords love fill us, that we may practice loving God and others, overcome anger through love, live a life of peace and joy, and glorify the name of the Lord.付传道Pastor Fu


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