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【雅1:12】忍受试探的人是有福的,因为他经过试验以后,必得生命的冠冕,这是主应许给那些爱他之人的。【Jam 1:12】Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.

发表于 2024-11-11

雅各劝勉众人,落在百般的试炼中,要以为大喜乐,因为信心经过试验就生出忍耐。James exhorts us to count it all joy when facing trials of many kinds, for the testing of faith produces perseverance.在各种中试验的环境中,神的旨意是良善的,为要除去我们的罪,使我们得着耶稣丰盛的生命,得着生命的冠冕为奖赏。JIn every testing circumstance, Gods will is good, working to remove our sins so we can receive the abundant life of Jesus and, ultimately, the crown of Gods life as a reward.当试验来临时,撒但常常会来试探我们的私欲,引诱人犯罪,使人落在咒诅之下。Yet, when trials come, Satan often tempts our desires, leading people to sin and fall under a curse.


信主后,我们仍然带着过去所形成的坚固营垒,习惯性地顺从旧的思想观念去想和行,就进入试探,考试失败。After we come to believe in the Lord, we still carry strongholds formed in our past and habitually follow old thoughts and concepts in our thinking and actions. As a result, we often fall into temptation and may struggle through tests.感谢主爱我们,不仅为我们舍命,更是用真理装备我们,兴起环境来训练我们。真理与谎言,我到底信什么?生死祸福,我要什么样的果子?思想清楚了,我到底选择顺从谁?Thank You, Lord, for loving us so deeply, not only laying down Your life for us but also equipping us with truth and placing us in environments that train us. Truth or lies—which will I believe? Life, death, misfortune, or blessing—what kind of fruit do I desire? Now, with a clear mind, who will I choose to obey?


那试探人的进前来试探耶稣时,耶稣用经上的话,用坚固的信心,抵挡撒但的谎言,胜过了一切的试探,满有圣灵的能力开始传扬天国的福音。When the tempter came to test Jesus, He resisted Satans lies with the words of Scripture and strong faith. He overcame all temptations and began preaching the gospel of the kingdom of heaven with the power of the Holy Spirit.主啊,我不要再顺从自己的私欲,犯罪又认罪;我要选择你的道路,用真理来抵挡谎言,不爱自己,爱神——遵行你的命令,得着祝福!Lord, I no longer want to follow my own desires, sin, and continually confess my sins. I want to choose Your way, use truth to resist lies, and love not myself but God—obeying Your commands to receive Your blessings!


奉主耶稣的名破除一切:“神真的这么说吗?没关系,神会赦免的…”仇敌的谎言。神的话安定在天,决不更改!我信!罪的工价就是死!罪的后果也是真实的。In the name of the Lord Jesus, I break every lie of the enemy: “Did God really say that? It doesn’t matter; God will forgive…” Gods words are settled in heaven and will never change! I believe it! The wages of sin is death, and the consequences of sin are also real.当恶者来试探时,圣灵带领我停住内心的翻腾、不信,弃绝谎言,丧掉自己的意思,顺服真理,一次又一次地胜过试探,得着神的应许。When the evil one comes to tempt me, the Holy Spirit leads me to quiet the turmoil and unbelief in my heart, reject lies, surrender my own will, obey the truth, and overcome temptation time and time again, receiving God’s promises.付传道Pastor Fu


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