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【雅1:5】你们中间若有缺少智慧的,应当求那厚赐与众人、也不斥责人的神,主就必赐给他。【James1:5 】If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.

发表于 2024-11-08

我们缺少智慧吗?神知道,并赐给我们强有力的应许:祂是慷慨的神,必不因我们太多祈求智慧而斥责我们。Are we lacking in wisdom? God knows and has given us a powerful promise: He is a generous God who will not rebuke us for asking for wisdom in abundance.  缺少智慧的人,只要凭着信心向祂祈求,主就必赐给我们!祈求,就必得着!Anyone who lacks wisdom only needs to ask Him in faith, and the Lord will grant it! Ask, and it shall be given!所罗门向神求智慧,神应允了。太好了!让我们紧紧抓住神的应许,现在,此刻,就来向祂祈求!Solomon sought wisdom from God, and God granted it. How wonderful! Let us hold firmly to God’s promise and, now, at this very moment, come before Him in prayer!

从亚当开始,因着不信神的话,吃分辩善恶的果子,世人自以为有智慧,却成为愚拙,成为撒但的俘虏,落在罪和死中。Since Adam, due to unbelief in God’s word and eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, humankind has thought itself wise yet became foolish, becoming captives of Satan and falling into sin and death. 感谢耶稣,借着十字架来拯救我们,祂把生命都给了我们,一切的智慧、知识、能力都在祂里面藏着。We give thanks to Jesus, who came to save us through the cross, giving His life for us. In Him are hidden all the treasures of wisdom, knowledge, and power. 圣灵是赐人智慧和启示的灵。祂正等着我们来向祂祈求,支取。The Holy Spirit is the Spirit who gives wisdom and revelation. He awaits us to come before Him, asking and receiving.

主,求你赦免我信自己,信眼见耳闻的判断,时常被表面现象所欺骗。Lord, forgive me for trusting in myself and in what I see and hear, often deceived by outward appearances.  求你救我脱离一切属地、属情欲、属鬼魔的谎言。!Deliver me from all earthly, fleshly, and demonic lies. 主,求你开我属灵的眼睛,使我因信你的话,得着从上头来的智慧,不与属血气的争战,靠着你的能力,与自己的罪和私欲争战,与背后的黑暗权势争战到底!Lord, open my spiritual eyes that I may receive wisdom from above by believing in Your word, not contending with flesh and blood but, by Your strength, fighting against my own sins and desires, and battling against the dark powers behind them!

主,你是教会的元首,我们是你的身体。你从死里复活,完全得胜。Lord, You are the head of the church, and we are Your body. You have risen from the dead, utterly victorious. 在这场与仇敌的属灵争战中,你是我们的智慧、公义、圣洁、救赎,我们依靠你就得施展大能!In this spiritual battle against the enemy, You are our wisdom, righteousness, holiness, and redemption. By relying on You, we are empowered! 主,求你更深洁净你的教会,炼净我们的心,复兴我们与你同工,使被掳的得释放,使你的教会彰显你百般的智慧和能力,使你的名得着荣耀和颂赞!Lord, purify Your church, cleanse our hearts, revive us to work alongside You, that the captives may be set free, that Your church may display Your manifold wisdom and power, and that Your name may be glorified and praised forever! (付传道 Pastor Fu)


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