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【雅1:2-3】2我的弟兄们,你们落在百般试炼中,都要以为大喜乐;3因为知道你们的信心经过试验,就生忍耐。【Jam 1:2-3】Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.

发表于 2024-11-06

当教会面临逼迫、患难时,雅各、彼得、保罗,都曾劝勉弟兄姊妹,落在各种各样的试炼中,要认为是大喜乐,在患难中要欢欢喜喜的,因为知道神要试验我们的信心,When the church faced persecution and tribulations, James, Peter, and Paul all urged brothers and sisters to consider it great joy when encountering various trials and to rejoice in tribulations, knowing that God uses these to test our faith.通过试验之后,我们可以得着比金子更宝贵的信心,生命可以长出忍耐的品格,与主的关系更加亲密,那是最大的喜乐。By passing the test, we gain a faith more precious than gold, develop patience in our character, and grow closer to the Lord. This is the greatest joy.


神允许试验、考试临到我们,不是来毁坏我们,而是来建造我们。保罗曾在绝境中认为自己是必死的,但他学到了不靠自己,只靠叫死人复活的神。God allows trials and tests to come to us, not to destroy us, but to strengthen and build us up. Paul once thought he was facing death in a desperate situation, but he learned to rely not on himself, but only on God, who raises the dead.使徒们经历过在患难中暂时忧愁,但他们效法耶稣,学到了秘诀,因信要更深得着耶稣,不惧死亡,满有盼望地迎接从神来的试验,活出了光辉烈烈的一生。The apostles experienced temporary sorrow in tribulations, yet they imitated Jesus and discovered the secret. Through faith, they drew closer to Jesus, gaining a deeper understanding of Him. They no longer feared death, but faced Gods tests with hope and lived a life full of glory.


生命的成长,信心的提升,必要经历试验。曾经在平安无事时,我们信心十足,相信神是全能的主。当考试来临时,因着看自己,看难处,就愁苦、惧怕,甚至灰心、绝望、求死…To grow in life and build confidence, we must go through trials. Once, when everything was safe and sound, we were fully confident, believing that God is the Almighty Lord. Yet, when trials come, as we focus on ourselves and the difficulties, we may feel sadness, fear, even discouragement, despair, and at times wish for death...是耶稣的爱一次次将我们救赎回来…主,感谢你何等的忍耐,训练小鹰依靠圣灵的风,学习飞翔。But it is the love of Jesus that redeems us time and again. Lord, thank You for Your patience, training us like young eagles to rely on the wind of the Holy Spirit and learn to fly.


主,你掌管万有,全知全能,你兴起风浪又平静风浪。主啊,我接受你的陶造,带领我更深注视你,信你永远良善,不再信自己的善恶判断,Lord, You are in control of all things; You are all-knowing and all-powerful, raising storms and calming them. Lord, I accept Your moulding. Lead me to focus closely on You, to believe in Your goodness, and to no longer rely on my own judgment of good and evil.弃绝各种谎言,把信心的锚抛向耶稣和你的话语,向己的私欲死,向神的真理活,经历复活的大能,活出喜乐刚强的生命,也去影响和安慰在患难中的人。Help me to abandon all lies, cast the anchor of faith in Jesus and Your Word, and die to my selfish desires. May I live by Your truth, experience the power of resurrection, and live a life of joy and strength, able to uplift and comfort those in trouble.付传道Pastor Fu


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