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【彼后3:9】主所应许的尚未成就,有人以为他是耽延,其实不是耽延,乃是宽容你们,不愿有一人沉沦,乃愿人人都悔改。【2 Peter 3:9】The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

发表于 2024-11-04

主应许会再来,已经过了快两千年,祂还没有来。难道是神耽延吗?不是,乃是因着神的宽容,因祂不愿一人沉沦,乃愿人人悔改。The Lord promised to come again, but nearly two thousand years have passed, and He has not yet come. Could it be that God is delaying? No, it is because of Gods patience, as He does not want anyone to perish but desires everyone to repent.若是几十年前,主已经来到,那时我们还未得救,等候我们的只有永远的沉沦了。因着神的忍耐等候,我们得着了拯救,然而还有许多人未曾认识主…If the Lord had come decades ago, we would not have been saved at that time, and eternal destruction would have awaited us. Because of Gods patient waiting, we have been saved, yet there are still many who have not come to know the Lord…


我们在等候中,会懈怠,会觉得来日方长,然而主的日子像贼来到一样。如同挪亚的日子,人照常吃喝嫁娶,洪水却来了。While we wait, we may become complacent and feel that the time ahead is too long, but the day of the Lord will come like a thief. Just as in the days of Noah, when people were eating, drinking, marrying, and giving in marriage as usual, the flood came suddenly.主所预言的各种灾难不断地发生, 主来的日子,越来越近了。那日子是大而可畏的!主怜悯罪人,但断不会违背祂圣洁公义的本性。主啊,我们还有许多未得之地…The various disasters foretold by the Lord continue to unfold, and the day of His coming draws closer and closer. Those days will be both great and terrible! The Lord has mercy on sinners, but He will never compromise His holy and righteous nature. Lord, we still have so much to gain…


天父爱我们,不愿看到我们落在罪和死的咒诅中,祂舍了独生的儿子,祂用生命救赎了我们。神的计划从未改变。Our Heavenly Father loves us and does not want to see us fall under the curse of sin and death. He gave up His only begotten Son and redeemed us with His life. Gods plan never changes.福音要传给万民,祂愿人人悔改得拯救。谁肯与祂同去拯救许许多多仍在失丧中的灵魂呢?主啊,我在这里,我愿去,求你引领我,掌管我,以你的心愿为我一生的目标。The gospel is to be preached to all nations, and He desires everyone to repent and be saved. Who is willing to go with Him to reach the many souls still lost? Lord, here I am, and I want to go. Please lead me, guide me, and make Your desires the purpose of my life.


主啊,感谢你还给我们机会悔改!你是何等的良善,不仅拯救我们,塑造我们更像你,还要使我们与你一同作王,治理全地!主啊,我的生命属于你,为主而活,才能不枉此生。Lord, thank you for giving us the opportunity to repent! How good you are—not only saving us and shaping us to be more like you, but also making us kings with you to rule over the whole earth! Lord, my life belongs to you. Only by living for you can I live this life without regret.主,帮助我恨恶罪,遵行你的命令,带着你的爱、怜悯、忍耐…去使万民作主的门徒,扩展神国领地,为主的再来预备道路。Lord, help me to hate sin, obey your commands, and use your love, mercy, and patience to make disciples of all nations, expand the territory of your kingdom, and prepare the way for your return.付传道Pastor Fu


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