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【彼后2:20】倘若他们因认识主救主耶稣基督,得以脱离世上的污秽,后来又在其中被缠住制伏,他们末后的景况就比先前更不好了。【2 Peter 2:20】If they have escaped the corruption of the world by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and are again entangled in it and are overcome, they are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning.

发表于 2024-11-03

经上说:你们总要警醒祷告免得入了迷惑,The Bible says: You must be alert and pray so that you do not fall into temptation. 在末后的时代,迷惑到处都是,信徒要扎根真理,不断坚固自己的信心,防备假教师的诱惑和误导。In the last days, confusion is everywhere. Believers need to be firmly grounded in the truth, continually strengthen their faith, and guard against the temptations and misleading teachings of false prophets.假教师的存在会动摇信徒的信心,彼得提醒信徒要保持警醒,坚守真理,以坚定的信心抵挡错误的教导。The presence of false teachers can shake the faith of believers. Peter reminds us to stay vigilant, hold to the truth, and resist false teachings with steadfast faith. 因他们私自引进陷害人的异端,连买他们的主他们也不承认,自取速速的灭亡。These false teachers have secretly introduced destructive heresies, not even acknowledging the Lord who redeemed them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction.


何等圣洁的主,是轻慢不得的,用脚踢刺是难的。信徒若在认识主耶稣之后,被主的宝血涂抹洁净,又得尝主恩的滋味,又与圣灵有份,也晓得义路,却不持守在其中,反而又回头走自己的老路,Such a holy Lord cannot be mocked, and it's difficult to kick against the pricks. If a believer, after knowing the Lord Jesus, being anointed and cleansed by His precious blood, tasting His grace, partaking of the Holy Spirit, and knowing the way of righteousness, does not continue in it but returns to their former ways— 顺服撒旦,照着自己心中所喜好的去行,放纵自己的私欲,爱世界,拜自己,贪图各样的虚名、虚荣、财力…submitting to Satan, following the desires of their own heart, indulging in lusts, loving the world, worshipping themselves, and coveting false fame, vanity, and wealth...离弃了神,其结局只能被神离弃,自遭其害。If you abandon God, you risk being abandoned by God and facing the consequences.


求主赦免我们的愚昧无知瞎眼,不知道属灵争战的残酷,因顺服谁就做谁的奴仆,总拿自己的生命开玩笑,轻忽罪的后果。Please forgive us for our ignorance and blindness. We don’t understand the harshness of spiritual warfare. Because we become slaves to the one we obey, we often trivialise our own lives and ignore the consequences of sin. 直到自己真实的经历过了,为罪受苦了,才真知道神的话是句句定准,神是烈火,是轻慢不得,何等配得敬畏。It was only after truly experiencing and suffering for my sins that I came to realise the absolute accuracy of God’s words—that God is a consuming fire and cannot be mocked, and that He is worthy of reverence. 神是圣洁的,我们也要如此圣洁,不容罪在我们必死的身上作王。因祂爱我们,用自己的血救我们脱离罪恶。God is holy, and we must be holy, refusing to let sin rule in our mortal bodies. Because He loves us and saves us from sin with His own blood.


主啊,你有永生之道我们还要跟从谁呢?Lord, you have the way to eternal life; whom else would we follow? 让我时常回到加略山,不辜负你的爱情,忠贞专一在你面前,立志不在罪中打转,时刻保守自己的心,爱你所爱,恨你所恨。Let me return to Calvary time and time again, live in your love, and remain loyal and devoted before you. May I be determined not to live in sin, guard my heart always, love what you love, and hate what you hate. 从古到今,因有前车之鉴,末后的景况真的更不好了,使我们存敬畏之心,From ancient times until now, we learn from the past, and the future holds even greater challenges, instilling a healthy fear within us. 罪的工价是大的,定意在这争战的日子,我们以圣洁的妆饰为衣,甘心牺牲自己,远离污秽,脱离卑贱,活出尊贵的生命回报主恩。The wages of sin are great, and we are resolved to clothe ourselves in holy garments for this day of battle. May we be willing to sacrifice, stay far from impurity and disgrace, and live a noble life in response to the Lord’s kindness.(郭姊妹 Sister Guo)


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