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【彼后1:8】你们若充充足足地有这几样,就必使你们在认识我们的主耶稣基督上,不至于闲懒不结果子了。【2 Peter5:8】For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

发表于 2024-10-31

彼得鼓励信徒,作为基督的真正跟随着,一定要分外的殷勤,在属灵的路程上不进则退,Peter encouraged believers that, as true followers of Christ, they must make every effort. If they do not advance in their spiritual journey, they will retreat.前进的必力上加力,恩上加恩,因有的还要加添;后退的会眼瞎,失脚,因没有的连有的都要夺去。Those who advance will increase in strength and grace, because those who have will be given more; those who retreat will be blinded and stumble, because those who do not have will be deprived of even what they possess.神国的法则很信实,绝不落空,怎么说就必怎么成就。若作基督的真门徒,得充充足足的预备自己有基督的品格,结出生命的果子,丰丰富富地进入神永远的国。The laws of the Kingdom of God are very faithful and will never fail. Whatever is said will be accomplished. If you are a true disciple of Christ, you must fully prepare yourself to embody the character of Christ, bear the fruit of life, and enter the eternal kingdom of God abundantly.


人生很短暂,我们到底要什么?怎样面对人生这场考试呢?彼得说正因这缘故,你们要分外地殷勤。Life is very short—what do we really want? How do we face this test of life? Peter said that for this reason, you must make every effort.一个人在基督里殷勤,付代价,在信心、德行、知识、节制、忍耐、虔敬、爱弟兄的心、爱众人的心上不断地加添,A person who is diligent in Christ pays the price and constantly adds to their faith, virtue, knowledge, self-control, patience, piety, brotherly love, and love for everyone.只要充足有这几样,殷勤地装备自己的生命,坚守神的拣选和恩召,就不容易失脚,并且还能结果子荣耀神。As long as you have these things in abundance, diligently equip your life, and adhere to God's selection and calling, you will not easily stumble, and you can also bear fruit to glorify God.


彼得也明确的指出不结果子的原因就是闲懒。Peter also clearly pointed out that the reason for not bearing fruit is laziness.主啊,求你赦免我们的不冷不热,没有看重你的话,心无异,思念的都是地上的事,活在自己的世界里,没有目标,对神国的事情不感兴趣,也思想人生的结局,Lord, please forgive us for being lukewarm, not valuing Your words, lacking vision, thinking about earthly things, living in our own world, having no goals, not being interested in the things of the Kingdom of God, and not contemplating the end of life.完全不能明白生活中的每一场考试有神的心意,做了糊涂人,不晓得到见你面的时候,是要跟你交账的,殷勤的必掌权,懒惰的必服苦。We are completely unable to understand that every test in life carries God's will. We are foolish people, not realising that when we meet You, we will have to give an account to You. Diligent hands will rule, but laziness ends in forced labor.


耶稣基督在凡事上都做了榜样,谦卑顺服舍己,成就了这宝贵的救恩,祂又将又宝贵、又极大的应许赐给我们,叫我们脱离世上从情欲来的败坏就得与神的性情有份。Jesus Christ set an example in everything; He humbled Himself, obeyed, and sacrificed Himself to accomplish this precious salvation. He also gave us precious and great promises, so that we can escape the corruption in the world caused by lust and become partakers of the divine nature.何等恩典,祂兴起各样的考试是要训练我们,学习生命的功课,得着这几样就是信心…忍耐…爱心,充充足足不断加添,可以结出生命的果子,到那日得以丰富富的进入主基督荣耀的国。What grace! He raised various tests to train us and teach us the lessons of life. If we obtain these things—namely faith, patience, and love—which are constantly increasing in abundance, we can bear the fruit of life and enter the glorious kingdom of the Lord Christ in abundance on that day. (姊妹Sister Guo)


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