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【彼后1:4】因此,他已将又宝贵又极大的应许赐给我们,叫我们既脱离世上从情欲来的败坏,就得与神的性情有份。【2 Peter 1:4】Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.

发表于 2024-10-30

神用祂的荣耀和神迹召了我们。彼得看到耶稣登山变像的荣耀,更是亲眼看到耶稣行了无数的神迹。彼得在跟随的过程中,曾大大地跌倒,认识到自己的肉体是何等的败坏。God calls us by His glory and miracles. Peter witnessed the glory of Jesus’ transfiguration on the Mount and saw Jesus perform countless miracles with his own eyes. In the journey of following Jesus, Peter experienced a great fall and came to realise the corruption of his own flesh.靠着主的恩典,彼得改变了。彼得再次告诉我们,神已经把又宝贵又极大的应许赐给我们…神赐了什么应许呢?Yet, through the Lord’s grace, Peter was transformed. Peter reminds us that God has given us precious and great promises... What promises has God given us?


圣经上神赐了极多的应许。主所应许我们的是永生。这永生,不仅是重生得救,更有得胜的应许,就是成为神的儿子,与基督一同作王的应许。God has given us many promises in the Bible. The Lord promises us eternal life—a life that is not only about rebirth and salvation, but also includes the promise of victory, of becoming children of God, and reigning with Christ.因着这非同寻常,又宝贵又极大的应许,我们在生活中操练脱去世上从情欲来的败坏,就得与神的性情有份。神要我们脱去人性的败坏,被神的性情替代。Because of this extraordinary, precious, and great promise, we can share in God’s nature by practising to cast off the corruption that comes from worldly desires. God wants us to put off the corruption of human nature and be transformed by His character.


主啊,我们的旧性情里,充满的是属世界,属情欲的罪恶、败坏、咒诅、死亡…神的性情里,是圣洁、公义、良善、慈爱、生命…因着耶稣的舍命,Lord, our old nature is filled with worldly and lustful sins, corruption, curses, and death... but God’s nature is full of holiness, righteousness, goodness, love, and life. Because of Jesus’ sacrifice,我们白白得着这救恩,神的生命住在我们里面,这是何等伟大的应许,何等的恩典!主,我要做聪明人,快快脱去旧人,穿上新人,得着你…we receive this salvation freely, and God’s life now dwells in us. What a great promise, what grace! Lord, I want to be wise, to quickly put off the old self and put on the new self, so that I may gain You fully...


主,谢谢你赐下又宝贵又极大的应许,谢谢你赐下你的独生儿子耶稣。我的旧人改不好,只配得与你同钉十字架。与你同死,就与你同复活。Lord, thank you for your precious and great promises. Thank you for your only Son, Jesus. My old self cannot be changed, so it is worthy of being crucified with you. I died with you, and I will rise with you.主,这是你的应许,我紧紧抓住你,再也不放手,让我每一天为得着你的性情而争战,殷勤否定自己,顺服圣灵,使我可以更像你,来荣耀你的名!Lord, this is your promise. I hold tightly to you and will never let go. Help me to strive daily for your nature, to deny myself diligently, and to obey the Holy Spirit, so that I may become more like you and glorify your name!付传道Pastor Fu


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