我们每一天都会面临属灵的争战,我们的一生就是一场战役。两国争战,看不见的世界掌管那看得见的世界,魔鬼遍地游行,寻找可吞吃的人。彼得曾因惧怕三次不认主,经历仇敌魔鬼如何胜过他;We face spiritual warfare every day, and our lives are a battle. Two kingdoms are at war; the unseen world is dominating the visible world, and the devil is prowling, seeking someone to devour. Peter denied the Lord three times out of fear and experienced how the enemy overcame him.因主慈怜的看他一眼,他被爱和接纳,从此以后他从软弱变刚强,成为神国的柱子,他深切劝勉信徒,务要谨守儆醒,追赶仇敌,惟有知己知彼,方能百战百胜。Yet, when the Lord looked at him with mercy, he was loved and accepted. From that moment on, he transformed from weak to strong and became a pillar of the kingdom of God. He earnestly urged believers to stay alert and pursue the enemy. Only by knowing ourselves and understanding the enemy can we be victorious in every battle.
魔鬼会以不同的形态出现,有时牠会是一条蛇,引诱人与神为仇;有时会假装成光明的天使,迷惑人,使人心骄傲陷入网罗,有时牠会是吼叫的狮子,全力透过逼迫来恐吓神的子民。The devil can appear in many forms. Sometimes he comes as a snake, tempting people to be at enmity with God; other times, he pretends to be an angel of light, deceiving and ensnaring people with pride in their hearts. At times, he roars like a lion, using persecution to intimidate God’s people with all his strength.我们必须时刻保守在一个备战状态,不凭眼见,不凭耳闻,有属灵的见识,我们不是与属血气的争战,竭力保守自己的心,谨守警醒,用爱和饶恕来击退仇敌的诡计。We must always remain prepared, not relying on what we see or hear, but rather having spiritual insight. Our struggle is not against flesh and blood. We must strive to guard our hearts, stay vigilant, and use love and forgiveness to defeat the enemy's tricks.
仇敌也是非常殷勤,遍地游行,寻找可吞吃的人,只要我们不住到主里,选择爱世界,爱自己就犯罪跌倒,中了牠的诡计,看人看环境,讲对错理由,被拒绝伤害,苦毒不饶恕,自卑自怜,委屈都上来了…The enemy is also very diligent, wandering around looking for people to devour. As long as we don’t abide in the Lord and choose to love the world and ourselves, we will sin and stumble, falling into his traps. He examines people and their circumstances, providing justifications for right and wrong. Feelings of rejection, bitterness, unforgiveness, self-abasement, self-pity, and grievances can all arise...面对魔鬼各样的试探与引诱,彼得教导我们得胜的秘诀就是务要谨守警醒,顺服神的主权,用坚固的信心抵挡牠,牠就必离开我们逃跑了。In the face of various temptations from the devil, Peter teaches us that the key to victory is to remain alert, submit to God's sovereignty, and resist with strong faith. If we do, the enemy will flee from us.
每一次的抵挡,也就促进我们的生命成长,增长属灵的见识,信心也更加坚固。Every time we resist, our lives grow, our spiritual understanding deepens, and our faith strengthens.会以属天的眼光来看身边所发生的一切,谨守警醒,不中仇敌的计谋,以基督的心为心,在火一样的试炼面前,专心效法主耶稣的榜样,相信惹事的根在乎神,We begin to see everything that happens around us from a heavenly perspective, staying alert to avoid falling into the enemy's schemes. We cultivate the heart of Christ, and in the face of fiery trials, we wholeheartedly follow the example of the Lord Jesus, trusting in the root of our troubles.顺服神的带领,有为义有受苦的心志,把爱活在伤口,只为荣耀神,只为和神的关系更亲密,活出凡事感恩喜乐的生命向仇敌夸胜。We care for God, obey His guidance, and are willing to suffer for righteousness. We live out love even in our wounds, aiming to glorify God and develop a closer relationship with Him. We embrace a life of gratitude and joy in all circumstances, triumphing over the enemy.(郭姊妹 Sister Guo)