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【彼前5:7】你们要将一切的忧虑卸给神,因为他顾念你们。【1 Peter5:7】Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

发表于 2024-10-28

耶稣来到地上时,亲自教导门徒:不要为生命忧虑,吃什么,喝什么,穿什么…When Jesus came to earth, He personally taught His disciples: Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear我们需要的这一切,在我们未祈求以先,天父早已经知道了。不要为明天忧虑,一天的难处一天当。All of these things we need, the Heavenly Father already knows before we pray. Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.我们常常在为未来未知的事情忧虑。彼得再次告诉我们,要将一切的忧虑卸给神,因为神顾念我们。We often worry about unknown things in the future. Peter once again told us to cast all our worries on God because God cares for us.


忧虑是不信和骄傲的表现。当我们忧虑时,等于在宣告:我的神是死的,我的困难大过神,我要靠自己…Worry is a manifestation of unbelief and pride. When we worry, it is equivalent to declaring: My God is dead, my difficulties are greater than God, I have to rely on myself…于是忧虑:没钱怎么办?生病了怎么办?年老时怎么办?孩子怎么办?…So we worry: What if I have no money? What if I get sick? What if I grow old? What about my children? …忧虑使我们越想越愁苦,惧怕,无法安眠,没有安息,正在把自己交给撒但吞吃,却忘了神顾念我们!Worry makes us more and more anxious, fearful, unable to sleep, and restless. We give ourselves to Satan to devour, but we forget that God cares for us!


是的,神顾念,何等美妙的恩典。天上的飞鸟,天父都看顾,何况我们这些儿女呢?我们当把一切的忧虑打包,把这一切的重担卸给神,祂是替我们背负重担的神。不要忧虑,这是神的命令。保罗说,应当一无挂虑,凡事借着祷告、祈求和感谢,将你们所要的告诉神。信就得着平安。Yes, God cares; what a wonderful grace. The Heavenly Father cares for the birds in the sky—let alone us, His children! We should pack up all our worries and cast these burdens on God. He is the God who bears our burdens for us. Don’t worry; this is God's command. Paul said, don’t worry about anything, but in everything, by prayer, supplication, and thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Believe, and you will have peace.


主啊,我要回转向你,宣告你的真理。奉主的名弃绝一切的忧虑、想象、负面、惧怕、不信…Lord, I will turn back to You and declare Your truth. In the name of the Lord, I will abandon all worries, imaginations, negativity, fears, and unbelief...神顾念我,无论是生是死,一生在神手中,没有什么可以叫我与神的爱隔绝!God cares about me; whether I live or die, my whole life is in God's hands, and nothing can separate me from God's love!,你救赎我,我属于你,你是一切美善的源头,帮助我以你的信实为粮,以你为乐,活出喜乐的生命,给身边的人带去盼望!Lord, You redeem me; I belong to You. You are the source of all goodness. Help me to feed on Your faithfulness, take pleasure in You, live a joyful life, and bring hope to those around me! (付传道Pastor Fu)


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