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【彼前5:5】你们年幼的也要顺服年长的。就是你们众人也都要以谦卑束腰,彼此顺服,“因为神阻挡骄傲的人,赐恩给谦卑的人。”【 1 Peter 5:5 】 In the same way, you who are younger, submit yourselves to your elders. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.”

发表于 2024-10-27

彼得完全的被神得着后,他的全人全心所专注的就是神的命令和永恒的盼望,After Peter was fully gained by God, his whole being was focused on God’s commands and eternal hope. 他以身作则,凡事谦卑在主的面前,彼此顺服,以试炼为大喜乐,行公义在自己的身上,为众人作了榜样。He set an example by humbling himself before the Lord in all things, submitting to others, embracing trials as great joy, and acting with justice. In his own body, he set an example for others. 他的劝勉是如此的语重心长,无论是谁,都要服在神的大能底下,以谦卑束腰,时时披戴基督,彼此顺服,His exhortation is so earnest. No matter who you are, you must submit yourself to God’s power, gird yourself with humility, put on Christ at all times, and submit to one another; 因神赐恩给谦卑的人,神是借着顺服的器皿做事。for God gives grace to the humble, and through obedience, He bestows grace. Vessels serve a purpose.


耶稣基督神的儿子,满有尊贵、权柄、能力、智慧…祂本有神的形象,却不以自己与神同等为强夺的,反倒虚己,取了人的形象,服侍人,为门徒洗脚,为我们承受了羞辱、鞭伤和刑罚。Jesus Christ, the Son of God, full of honour, power, and wisdom… who, though He was in the form of God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped but emptied Himself, taking the form of a servant, serving others, and washing diciples’ feet, He bore the shame, the stripes, and the punishment for us. 祂谦卑到底,顺服至死且死在十字架上,He humbled Himself to the very end, becoming obedient even to the point of death on the cross. 成了!父的名得了荣耀,父也将他升为至高,又赐他超乎万民之上的名…It is finished! The name of the Father is glorified, and the Father exalts Him to the highest place, giving Him a name above all names… 自卑的必升高,耶稣基督从死里复活,使我们有永活的盼望。He who humbles himself will be exalted. Jesus Christ was raised from the dead so that we have the hope of eternal life.


求主赦免我们忘了自己的本相,因骄傲自高,以自我为中心,We ask the Lord to forgive us for forgetting our true nature, for being arrogant and self-centred. 自己可以说自己不能不行,但当别人这样来说我们时,就跳起来,说不得,在那里讲理由对错,恨人杀人了。We may say we can’t do it, but when others describe us this way, we react defensively, unwilling to be corrected, arguing about right and wrong, harbouring resentment and even hatred. 骄傲只启争竞,拦阻神的工,给周围的人带去了许多的麻烦和痛苦,行了神所憎恶的事。Pride breeds only conflict, hinders God’s work, brings trouble and pain to those around us, and leads us to act in ways God detests. 种什么就收什么,骄傲的结局就是处处受阻,在咒诅中徘徊,受尽苦痛,因神阻挡骄傲的人。 You will reap what you sow. The result of pride is to be hindered at every turn, wandering under curses, and suffering much, as God opposes the proud.


耶和华扶持谦卑人,将恶人倾覆于地。主啊,我们本是不配得到上帝恩典的,The Lord upholds the meek but brings the wicked down to the ground. Lord, we are unworthy of Your grace. 因你大爱救我们不救你自己,心被恩感,我们不再为自己活,愿意降服在你的旨意之下,承接使命。Because of Your great love, You saved us at the cost of Your own life. Our hearts are so grateful that we no longer live for ourselves. We are willing to surrender to Your will and take on the mission.彼此以谦卑约束自己,否定自己,认清自己的身份,不是受人的服侍,乃是服侍人。We commit to humility with one another, deny ourselves, and recognise our identity—not to be served by others, but to serve. 你必兴旺,我必衰微,彼此顺服,看别人比自己更重要,以基督的心为心,服在神大能的手下,凡事遵神的命令而行,结出圣灵的果子荣耀祂。You must increase, and I must decrease. Submit to one another, consider others more important than yourself, have the mind of Christ, submit to God’s mighty hand, do everything according to His commands, and bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit to glorify Him.

(郭姊妹 Sister Guo)


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