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【彼前5:2-3】2务要牧养在你们中间神的群羊,按着神旨意照管他们;不是出于勉强,乃是出于甘心;也不是因为贪财,乃是出于乐意;3也不是辖制所托付你们的,乃是作群羊的榜样。【1 Peter5:2-3】Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.

发表于 2024-10-25

耶稣来到地上时,天父所托付祂的,没有失落一个。When Jesus came to earth, He did not lose a single one entrusted to Him by the Father. 好牧人为羊舍命,耶稣甘心付上生命的代价,救护了我们,为我们作了榜样。The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep; Jesus willingly paid the price with His life to save us and set an example for us. 彼得跟随耶稣三年半,亲眼看到耶稣舍己服侍罪人,他是耶稣受苦、受死和复活的见证人。Peter followed Jesus for three and a half years, witnessing Jesus selflessly serving sinners. He was a witness to Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection.  后来彼得跟随了耶稣的脚踪,忠于所托,为主殉道,也作了群羊的榜样。Later, Peter followed in Jesus’ footsteps, faithfully fulfilling his calling, and became a martyr for the Lord, serving as an example for the flock.

做牧人不是来发号施令,让人听自己的,是来做群羊的榜样。Being a shepherd is not about giving orders or making people listen to oneself; it is about setting an example for the flock. 不是为了得利益,去讨好人,不是出去勉强,而是回应神爱的呼召,甘心乐意献上自己,去效法我们的牧人耶稣。It’s not done for personal gain or to please people, nor is it done reluctantly, but rather as a willing response to God’s call of love, joyfully offering oneself in imitation of our Shepherd, Jesus. 因着一代一代的属灵人前赴后继,甘心舍己跟随好牧人的脚踪,用生命影响生命,福音被传承延续到如今,我们才得着这救恩。Through generations of spiritual leaders who have selflessly followed the Good Shepherd, influencing lives with their own, the gospel has been faithfully passed down to us, allowing us to receive this salvation today.

主,我是甘心乐意去付出吗?就连自己的孩子,我都想要操纵、控制、辖制:你要听我的!Lord, am I giving willingly and joyfully? Even with my own children, I often try to control and dominate: “You must listen to me!” 付出后,没有得到尊重和回报,就委屈,恼怒,抱怨…When my efforts aren’t met with respect or gratitude, I feel hurt, angry, and complain… 却忘了自己也是这样待父母,活在背逆,贪心,不感恩,不知足里…forgetting that I treated my own parents similarly, living in rebellion, greed, ingratitude, and discontent. 荣耀全能的主却甘心为这样忘恩和作恶的人,舍了生命!主啊,感谢你恒久忍耐的爱…Yet, the glorious and almighty Lord willingly gave His life for people like me, who are ungrateful and sinful! Lord, thank You for Your patient, enduring love.

主,你大有权柄能力,却没有用强权威逼,你用爱吸引我回转,这份爱融化我冰冷的心,我愿意为你而活。Lord, You are full of power and authority, yet You did not coerce with force. Instead, You drew me back with love, and this love has melted my cold heart; I desire to live for You. 主,我的生命属于你,理当献上给你,求你帮助我成为牧人的喜乐,使我也效法你的脚踪,用爱去守护你所托付我的,作榜样带领群羊一同忠心跟随,到牧长耶稣显现时可以得着荣耀的冠冕。Lord, my life belongs to You and should be offered up to You. Help me to become a shepherd of joy, following in Your footsteps, lovingly caring for those You have entrusted to me, and leading by example so that the flock may faithfully follow. When the Chief Shepherd, Jesus, appears, may we receive the crown of glory.(付传道 Pastor Fu)


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