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【彼前4:8】最要紧的是彼此切实相爱,因为爱能遮掩许多的罪。【1 Peter 4:8】Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

发表于 2024-10-23

万物的结局近了,主来的日子越来越近了。彼得嘱咐我们,要谨守自守,警醒祷告。The end of all things is near, and the coming of the Lord is drawing closer. Peter instructs us to be sober, watchful, and to pray.最要紧的,最重要的,应当放在首位的是:彼此切实相爱,因为爱能遮掩许多的罪。这里的爱,不是人的爱,是神的爱。The most important thing—the first priority—is this: love one another sincerely, for love covers a multitude of sins. The love mentioned here is not human love, but God's love.彼此相爱是耶稣给我们的命令。活出爱的生命,是耶稣门徒的标志。Loving one another is a command given to us by Jesus. Living a life of love is the mark of a disciple of Jesus.


神就是爱。当我们还在作罪人时,耶稣就为我们舍命,主的爱在此向我们显明。这爱不是隐瞒罪,不是纵容罪,是耶稣代替我们受死,将我们的罪归到他自己身上。God is love. While we were still sinners, Jesus laid down His life for us. The Lord’s love is revealed to us in this: His love does not hide or condone sin. Jesus died in our place and took our sins upon Himself.我们得着了赦免,得着圣灵,得着耶稣的无罪的生命,可以脱离罪,胜过罪,进入永恒的祝福,这爱是永不止息。Through Him, we have received forgiveness, the Holy Spirit, and the sinless life of Jesus. We can be free from sin, overcome sin, and enter into eternal blessing. This love will never end.


主啊,求你赦免我们天然人里面的爱,是何等的狭隘,以为“给我钱,给我好处,给我想要的”才是爱,旧人总想从别人身上“得”,得不着就变成了恨。Lord, please forgive us for the narrowness of the love in our natural selves. We often think that "give me money, give me benefits, give me what I want" is love. The old self is always focused on "getting" from others and fulfilling its desires. When those desires aren’t met, it turns into hatred.没有爱的,仍在死中,落在贪婪、不满足、抱怨、仇恨等各种罪恶之中,人生愁苦无望。主,我要脱离这样的光景,今天靠着耶稣,我可以去爱人,出死入生。Those without love remain in death, trapped in sins like greed, dissatisfaction, complaining, and hatred, leading to a life of misery and hopelessness. Lord, I want to escape this state. Today, through Jesus, I can love others and pass from death to life.


主啊,是你先爱了我,你是爱的源头,你无条件地爱我,无数次接纳饶恕我,我得了这爱,怎能再去计算人的恶?Lord, You loved me first, You are the source of love, and You love me unconditionally. You have accepted and forgiven me countless times. After receiving this love, how can I count the wrongs of others?求你恒久忍耐的爱、不嫉妒、不轻易发怒的爱充满我,使我在生活中切实操练,用心和真实的行动去爱家人,爱肢体,爱众人…Please fill me with Your patient love, love that is not jealous and slow to anger, so that I can practise it in my life—loving my family, my fellow believers, and everyone with sincerity and real actions.使人认出耶稣的大能,也离弃罪归向主,使我们真正在基督里彼此切实相爱。Let others recognise the power of Jesus, abandon sin, and turn to the Lord, so that we can truly love one another in Christ. (付传道Pastor Fu)


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