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【彼前4:1】基督既在肉身受苦,你们也当将这样的心志作为兵器,因为在肉身受过苦的,就已经与罪断绝了。【1 Peter4:1】Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because whoever suffers in the body is done with sin.

发表于 2024-10-22

彼得把我们带入一个属灵生命得胜的高峰,受苦的心志是属灵战争中致胜的兵器,有了这兵器,我们才能胜过罪和情欲的诱惑,在世上可按着神的旨意生活。Peter leads us to a peak of spiritual victory. The will to suffer is a weapon for triumph in spiritual warfare. With this weapon, we can overcome the temptations of sin and lust, living according to Gods will in the world.作为基督的跟随者,必是完全委身在祂的里面,祂所走的路我们也要走,耶稣一生走的是条十字架的苦路,却是充满荣耀的路。As followers of Christ, we must be wholly committed to Him and walk the path He walked. Jesus traversed a painful path of the cross throughout His life, yet it was a path full of glory.他说若有人想跟从我就当舍己,天天背起他的十字架来跟从我。He saidWhoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.


我们属灵生命的存亡在乎我们的选择。The survival of our spiritual life hinges on our choices.若选择爱世界、爱自己、自保、向眼目的情欲,肉体的情欲妥协,满足自己的私欲,任意妄为,我行我素,这是一条宽路,却是引到灭亡的;If we choose to love the world, love ourselves, protect ourselves, compromise with the lust of the eyes and flesh, satisfy our own selfish desires, and act arbitrarily, this broad road leads to destruction.若选择谨慎自守,分别为圣,以基督为标杆,忠心的顺服,时时做好一切为义受苦的准备,每天只为得着基督为目标,这是一条窄路,却是通往永生的路。Conversely, if we choose to be cautious and self-disciplined, set apart as holy, take Christ as our benchmark, obey faithfully, and be prepared to suffer for righteousness, aiming to gain Christ every day, this narrow road leads to eternal life.


求主赦免我们没有属灵的见识,为罪受了许多的苦,不晓得为行善而受苦是神化了妆的祝福,May the Lord forgive us for our lack of spiritual insight; we have endured much for our sins, failing to recognise that suffering for doing good is a blessing in disguise from God.为主的缘故受苦是何等的荣耀,甚至是一份从主而来的嘉奖,因肉身受过苦的是与罪断绝了,活着的不再是我,乃是基督在我里面活,How glorious it is to suffer for the Lord, and even a reward from Him. Those who have suffered in the flesh have severed themselves from sin; it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.太美好了,如此能与主面对面,受再大的苦又有何妨呢?This is truly wonderful. In this way, I can see the Lord face to face; so what does it matter if I suffer greatly? 如今,得着了这秘诀,不随从肉体,只随从圣灵,以受苦的心志在每一个环境里去得胜。I have discovered this secret: not following the flesh, but following the Holy Spirit, and triumphing in every circumstance with the will to suffer.


基督在肉身为我们受苦,祂本是无罪的还要因着要救我们脱离罪恶,为此都付上受苦的代价,为我们做了榜样。Christ suffered for us in the flesh. He was sinless, yet, to save us from sin, He paid the price of suffering and set an example for us.主啊,你的心意是要领许多的儿子进到荣耀里去,我愿意在地上的日子与罪恶争战到底,保守自己的心,爱神不爱自己,Lord, Your will is to lead many of Your sons into glory. I am willing to fight against sin to the end during my time on earth, guard my heart, love God rather than myself,竭力否定自己,向自己死,与罪断绝,为义经历苦难,轻看那至暂至轻的苦楚,要为得到那极重无比永远的荣耀。strive to deny myself, die to myself, break free from sin, experience suffering for righteousness, and disregard the light and momentary afflictions to obtain the far more exceeding and eternal glory. (姊妹Sister Guo)


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