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【彼前3:10-11】10因为经上说:人若爱生命,愿享美福,须要禁止舌头不出恶言,嘴唇不说诡诈的话;11也要离恶行善,寻求和睦,一心追赶。【1 Peter 3:10-11】10 For, "Whoever would love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech.11 He must turn from evil and do good; he must seek peace and pursue it.

发表于 2024-10-21

我们蒙召是为了承受福气。享美福的条件是:遵行神的命令,禁止舌头不出恶言,嘴唇不说诡计的话,还要逃避离弃罪恶,一心追赶良善与和睦。我们舌头上的话,神都听见。We are called to inherit blessings. The conditions for receiving these blessings are: obeying God's commandments, keeping your tongue from speaking evil, and refraining from deceitful words. You must also turn away from sin and wholeheartedly pursue goodness and peace. God hears every word we speak.以色列人一次次发怨言,不信神的应许,神照他们口中的话成就,两百万以色列人倒毙旷野,不得进入应许之地。The Israelites complained repeatedly and did not trust in God's promises. As a result, God fulfilled the words of their mouths, and two million Israelites died in the wilderness, unable to enter the Promised Land.


心里充满的,口里就说出来。自己所宣告的话,又引导着自己的行动。生死在舌头权下,喜爱他的,必吃他所结的果子。这话是何等的真实。Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. The words we declare guide our actions. Life and death are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit. How true this is.祸与福两个选择,在乎我们的心中信什么,嘴中宣告什么,带出什么样的行动。主啊,求你赦免我的无知,不是你不祝福,是因我没有敬畏你的话。The choices between disaster and blessing depend on what we believe in our hearts, what we declare with our mouths, and the actions we take. Lord, please forgive me for my ignorance. It’s not that You don’t bless me, but that I don’t revere Your words as I should.


主啊,你的口中没有诡诈,你来到地上,被藐视弃绝,被冤枉定罪,你口所出的全是恩言。在十字架上,最痛的时候,你还在为我们这些罪人祈求父的赦免。Lord, there is no deceit in Your mouth. When You came to earth, You were despised and rejected, unjustly accused and condemned. Yet all that came from Your mouth were words of grace. Even on the cross, in Your most painful moment, You were still praying for the Fathers forgiveness for us sinners.主,求你的宝血洁净我,赦免我,奉主耶稣的名断开一切负面、抱怨、不感恩、论断、苦毒、诡诈的恶言对我生命的辖制和捆绑!Lord, please cleanse me with Your precious blood, forgive me, and in the name of the Lord Jesus, break the control and bondage of all negative, complaining, ungrateful, judgmental, bitter, and deceitful words in my life!


主啊,有谁能像你,为我们的罪舍命!这救恩何等浩大,配得我一生赞美感恩!我的心不可忘记你的救恩,我的口要时常述说你的作为,时时感恩赞美!Lord, who can be like You, who laid down His life for our sins! This salvation is so great that it deserves my lifelong praise and thanksgiving! My heart must never forget Your salvation, and my mouth must always speak of Your deeds, continually giving thanks and praising You!圣灵,求你掌管我的心和口,使我离弃贪婪、苦毒、论断、不感恩…的罪,操练凡事谢恩,感谢神,并感谢人的付出,自己也操练付出和爱,成为别人的祝福。Holy Spirit, please control my heart and mouth, helping me to forsake the sins of greed, bitterness, judgment, and ungratefulness... and to practisegiving thanks in all things, thanking God and appreciating the contributions of others. I will also practise giving and loving, becoming a blessing to others. (付传道Pastor Fu)


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